*Chapter 31*

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       "You have to at least talk to him!" I said for at least the tenth time.
       "How?! What would I say? 'Oh, sorry for cheating on you Jordan, wanna get back together because I'm totally not a douchebag'?" Bryan yelled.  We had been going on like this for about thirty minutes. Matthew had already talked to Jordan, and he was a lot more successful than me.
       "Whatever!" I sneered. "At least I'm not the dickwad who is lying about cheating on his boyfriend just to get him back!"
       "What the fuck is wrong with you Bradlee!?! You've been so nice this entire trip, and now you're suddenly making up lies about my personal life!"
       "Yeah right! We all know that you're lying! You only turned the camera off so you could make out with Andy because you were were just using Jordan!"
       "You are so full of shit! I always thought you were the fakest fucking person in the world, but now I realize, it's all fucking real!" he chuckles, but it somehow laced with anger.
       "What is!?"
       "Your whole personality! I always thought you were acting stupid just for the camera, but you're actually just a fucking retard!"
       I didn't know how to react. So I did the first thing that came into my mind.
       I lunged.
       He was startled at first, but quickly wiggled out from under me. I threw a punch at his shoulder, and he fought back with a blow to my ribs. I socked him in the stomach, and he hit me in the chest. I lunged at him once again, but this time he was ready for it.
       He stepped to the side, and I crashed into the side of the bus. He tried to hold me there, but I flipped us around so that he was against the bus and I was holding him there.
       I put my hands around his throat and squeezed. After he struggled for air for a few seconds, I realized what I was doing.
       I backed away and looked at my hands. What the hell just happened? Why was I even doing that? I can't hurt Bryan, he's my friend!
       Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, Bryan's foot in my chest.
       "Now I want you to leave and never come back. I don't want you in the bus, in my house, near my friends, or in my life. And I fucking never want you to doubt my love for Jordan. If I ever see you again, I will not hesitate to fight you. And you will get hurt. I didn't want to hurt you this time, but you won't be so lucky the next." he growled.
       I nodded and ran off. I found the Sleeping with Sirens bus and talked to Kellin. I explained the situation to him, and he agreed to let us Matthew and I stay with them for the rest of tour.
        Oh shit. Matthew.
        When I called him, we got into a fight, but he got over it and grabbed our stuff off the bus.


       "Hey, um... Can I talk to you outside, Jeydon?" I asked timidly. Johnnie and I had been talking, and he convinced me to talk to Jeydon.
       When I opened the door to go outside, Bryan and Bradlee were having a heated argument outside. I closed it and went back in, only to be met by a quizzical look from Jeydon.
       "It's nothing." I said and smiled. "Maybe we could just go talk in the back."
       "Okay." he said cheerfully.

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