*Chapter 29*

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       When I woke up, Bryan was still asleep. I took this as my chance to watch the video he posted yesterday.
        WAIT WAHT!??!
       "Bryan! Bryan wake up!" I yell, shaking him.
       "What? Dude why are you waki-" he stopped when he saw the anger on my face.
       "Why did you do it?" I ask on the verge of tears.
        "What?" he asked, still half asleep. I show him the video and his eyes turn wide.
       "Th-that wasn't supposed to post!"
       "So you weren't planning on telling me that you kissed another man?" I ask as tears start to fall.
       "Wha- no! I can explain! He kissed me and I-"
       "I don't want to hear it Bryan. We're done." by now we're both crying, but I don't care. I don't want him cheating on me, even if it is with someone like Andy Biersack.


       I really need to talk to Kyle about this. Jordan just broke up with Bryan, but I'm hoping it won't come to that with Kyle and I.
       "K-Kyle? Can I talk to you? Outside?"
      "Of course! Why wouldn't I want to talk with my lovely fiancé alone?" he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows. When we get outside, he leans in to kiss me, but I avoid it.
       "What's wrong?" he asks. I get straight to the point.
       "Are you cheating on me?"
        "NO! Why would you even think that? I love you and only you." he says. I can tell he isn't lying.
       "Then why have you been avoiding telling me where you are when you aren't with me?"
       "I'm not allowed to go places without you?"
       "Wha- no. That's not it. But lately you've been gone more than usual and you won't tell me where you are. I miss you and I feel like you're keeping things from me."
       "I-I am. But it's not anything like that! I love you and only you, but I can't tell you what I've been doing because I promised a friend I wouldn't. He doesn't want his secret getting out."
       "So you don't trust me enough to not tell one secret?! The one secret that has been taking up more time from your day then your oown fucking fiancé!?"
       "Johnnie I- Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Wait. He's going to tell me! Finally!
       "Yes of course!"
       He leans in close and whispers, "Jeydon likes Damon and I'm trying to get them together."
       "And you couldn't have just told me that before I thought you might be cheating on me?" I say laughing. He laughs too.
       "Hey, at least we can do this now without you worrying about my lips on someone else." He leaned in and kissed me passionately. Before it got too heated, we went inside and I sat on his lap. We kissed for a while until everyone started coming out of the bed area.
       "Hi guys!" We said at the same time. I giggled and pecked him on the lips.
       "So I'm guessing you guys made up?" Bryan said with obvious tear stains on his cheeks.
       "No. Kyle was cheating on me and we broke up. That's why I just kissed him." I said, rolling my eyes.
       "How are you doing?" Kyle asked. "I mean, with the whole breakup and all. You really liked him. I could tell. You like at him the same way I look at Johnnie."
       "I'm fine, man. I'm just hoping I can talk to him and explain what happened. If we don't get back together, I still want to be friends. I wouldn't be able to stand my life without him in it." He said.
       Just that second, Jordan walked in.


       You know that feeling when you walk on a room and everyone looks at you like they were just talking about you? That's the feeling I got as soon as I stepped onto the bus.
       Everyone looked at me, at first surprised because I guess I walked in while they were talking about me, and then sympathetic, I'm guessing because of the tears drying on my face. Everyone but Bryan, that is. He looked down at his hands as tears ran down his face.
       I wanted to go comfort him and give him a kiss and say everything was okay, but the truth is, it wasn't.

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