The Beginning Of The End

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So I'm noticing a lot of people are reading this book, so here are some disclaimers if you didn't read the description.

1) the first half of this book is really cringeworthy. the second half isn't as bad but still is since I had to work with the shitty stuff I already wrote.

2) shit gets violent (for no reason) somewhere in the story so if that triggers you then here's your warning.

3) excuse all typos.

4) This book is lowkey really cliche so don't expect anything exciting to happen.

okay, read on :)



The sweet sound of the lunch bell.

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting my first senior year to be extremely...quiet. On the first day of school last year, everyone was exited, and lots of students were already getting into trouble. But this year, everyone was dragging around and complaining...except for the geeks, of course. They're always happy about the first day. Always. I guess people are finally tired of this place. I know I am, for one.

I can't wait to finish school. I already got my own apartment over the summer, and my best friend, Jack, might move in with me...if his parents approve. They're still debating over it, but I need Jack as close to me as possible, so I can make my move on him.

Yep, I'm gay. Got a problem? I don't care.

I've had a minorly major crush on my best friend for...about two years now, maybe. We've been best friends for a very long time, and I think I should ask him out before our senior year is over. I've been planning this all summer, and my plan will definitely work. It has to work. And it all starts at lunch today.

I grabbed my books and walked into a hallway, full of screaming and hungry students pushing each other out of the way to get to the cafeteria. I calmly walked to my locker, to put my books into. I close my locker to see the secret love of my life, Jack, with an adorable grin on his face.

"Sup Bro?" He instantly hugged me, and of course I hugged back. I heard the 'gay' and 'fag' comments around us, but I really didn't care, I could definitely get used to this. I let go of him, since I was basically hugging his insides out. I got my lunch bag out of my locker.

"Nothing much. It sucks that we only have one class together." I shrugged my shoulder, and started walking to the cafeteria doors.

"I know, right? I guess after three years of fucking shit up, teachers got tired of us." We both started laughing.

As we walked in the cafeteria doors, we saw and heard the usual cafeteria. Minor food fights at the jocks tables, pointless gossip at the popular girls tables, kids eyeing down books at the book nerd tables, people at the geek table debating about space and stuff, then the empty table, where me and Jack always sat.

We walked over to our table. "I'm getting in the lunch line." Jack looked over and pointed at the enormously long line.

"Okay, I'll wait here." I sat down and pulled out my bottle of ketchup.

I looked around at all of the tables. I noticed the freshmans, who are already taking over the school, the typical sophomores and juniors, then the seniors. It's amazing how this school hasn't changed in the past four years.

I looked over at an empty table...well, one dude was sitting there. I didn't think he was a freshman or sophomore, he looked a little older. He looked around my age, too. He's probably even in my grade, but I don't remember seeing him in any of my classes. He looked up and saw me staring at him. Oh gosh, he thinks I'm a stalker now.

I was expecting something like a mean look, or a middle finger back, but all he did was wave and smile. I waved back.

I sighed, knowing I'll have to go over to the table now. I got up, put my ketchup back into my lunch bag, and went over to the table.

The kid didn't look that bad. He had brownish-blonde hair and really thick eyebrows. Ironically, he had on the same shirt Jack had on. He looked at me confused, then smiled when I sat down.

"Uh, hi, I'm Zack." I smiled back and held out my had, gesturing him to shake it.

"Oh hi, I'm Alex." He grabbed my hand and shook it. His voice sounded American, yet I can hear a little bit of European in it. Irish? British? I can't tell.

"You're new here?" I asked while looking over at the line to see if Jack was done yet.

"Yeah, I'm a senior." He shrugged and smiled. So he is with us.

"Me too." I pulled back out my ketchup.

"Hey guys!" Jack came with his food in his hand, looking confused at Alex. I sighed again, knowing I have to introduce people.

"Jack, this is Alex. He's a new kid. He's also a senior, just like us. Alex, this is Jack, my best friend." They looked down at each other's shirts, the smiled.

"Nice shirt, bro." Jack held out his hand, but put it back down.

"Fuck it." He instantly side-hugged Alex.

Alex was laughing and tried to hug him back. I'll admit, that was the first time I've seen Jack hug another dude besides myself. I'll also admit, I was a little jealous. Eventually, Jack let go, both of them laughing.

"Sorry, I just already know we're gonna be close friends." He sat down and they started talking about Blink-182, which were the logos on their shirts.

I just sat there, watching my best friend, and soon to be boyfriend, talk his mouth out to a new kid, he didn't know anything about. I do feel bad for being negative about Jack talking to Alex, but I honestly didn't care. Jack's literally my only friend, and now even he will eventually leave me.

The past thirty minutes included me, watching the two guys talk. I was basically invisible, which is a felling I'm not used to, considering Jack's my only friend. Honestly, this isn't going according to plan at all.

I got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Zack, you okay?" Jack asked, as soon as I got up.

"Yeah, I'm getting my books early. The bell's about to ring."

He nodded and went back to talking about guitars to Alex. I walked out, and went to my locker. I just met this Alex kid, and I already know we're not going to click easily.

So hey hi there's the first chapter! I promise the other chapters will be longer, but I couldn't think of much with this. the next chapter will be up next weekend. until then stay sweg


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