False Rejection

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I can't wait to see Jack and ask if him and Alex are still together. I highly doubt it, since his parents are really strict about that type of stuff. I just hope that she cursed him out, and him and Alex were forced to break up.

What? I know it's sort of mean to do that to a friend, but it's more like helping him, 'cause I can sense that Alex isn't right for him. It might also have something to with my minorly major crush on him.

It's surprising, right? After all of the shit Jack and I went through, I still managed to have feelings for him. Like I said, I'm not going to let someone he just met ruin our friendship.

I walked into the Cafeteria and saw Jack alone at the table. I smiled to myself, because I already know where this is going. I walked to his table, and sat right in front of him.

"Sup, Jacky?" I spoke in the most sarcastic voice possible. "Where's Alex?"

"Oh, 'sup Zack." He looked up from his food, "Alex isn't here."

"Don't tell me that's why you're so gloomy." I chuckled. If Jack can't control his feelings while Alex isn't here, then he seriously needs to get his shit together.

"Maybe..." Jack mumbled, "It's the first day he's missed of school. Give me some slack, okay?"

"Jack, get it together, man. It's just one day." I emphasized to Jack.

"Of course you'd say that; you don't give a single fuck about Alex."

I quietly laughed at his response. "Well, You are correct."

Jack knows by now that I really can't stand Alex. Luckily, he doesn't know exactly why I can't stand him. I mean, there's nothing wrong with hating a completely innocent and "nice" guy because he's dating your long-life crush, right?

"Anyways, what did your mother say about you and Alex last night?" I mentally grinned to myself.

"Oh, that? She didn't say much. She sort of already knew about me liking guys. She was just upset about me having someone there while no one was home. Speaking of Alex, I have to call him and tell him that I'm going to his house tonight." Jack spoke in a satisfying tone, meanwhile I was in complete shock. He didn't have to break up with Alex? Wow. I guess his mom isn't as serious as I always thought she was.

"Oh...well, I'm going to class early, as usual. I'm out." I gathered my stuff and got up from my seat.

"Bro, you're leaving me?" Jack raised his voice and threw his arms up in defense.

"Yeah, we'll talk later. See ya." I rushed out of the cafeteria, in a bad state of mind. How the hell did his mother not get pissed about Alex? I have to get more information about this before my plans fail.


I was walking home, still thinking about Jack. I mean, I always think about him while going home, but this was from a different perspective. I was still wondering how his mom wasn't mad about him and Alex. I mean, I'm not saying that she should abolish him because of it, but I'm surprised she let it go that easy. On the other hand, I don't feel like walking all the way home, so I'm stopping at Mrs. Barakat's house for a while.

I knocked on her door, and Jack opened it. Great.

"Hello, Zack." Jack grinned while opening the door wider, so I could walk in.

"Bro, I thought you were going over to Alex's house after school."

"Apparently, I'm grounded for a week. How come I didn't know this until fifteen minutes ago?" Jack sighed, and shrugged at himself. Meanwhile, I'm mentally grinning at the fact that Jack couldn't see Alex at all today, yet physically and hysterically laughing at Jack. He's seventeen, yet he's still getting grounded.

"Hey! That's not funny!" Jack tried to act serious, yet he couldn't help laugh at his own self. Momentarily, the laughing dimmed down.

"Well, I wanted to talk to your mom, but I have homework to do so I'll see you later." I put my hand on the door and was ready to leave, but Jack asked a question.

"About what?"

"What?" I turned back around.

"What were you going to talk to my mom about?"

"Oh, just...stuff."

Jack took a heavy breather. "What stuff? You hiding shit from me now, Zack?!" He added a louder tone to his voice.

"Bro, you literally sound like a bitch. Chill, okay? I just needed help with some stuff; nothing serious.  Besides, if I told you, you'd lose your shit. I have to go now." I opened the door, and was about to walk out, but Jack interrupted me again.

"Wait! Zack...I got a question." He lowered his voice again. Seriously, why is he so moody today? Is this how he really acts when he's not around Alex? Gees.

I turned around again to listen to his question.

"What's up with you and Alex? Like...why don't you like him?"

I almost chocked on the piece of gum I was currently chewing.

I was hoping he wouldn't ask me this question. Why is he so freaking nosey? He shouldn't want to know about why I don't like Alex. If I tell him, he'll freak and ignore me for eternity. If I don't, he'll keep asking me until I do tell him. I said the first reason (out of many) that came to my mind.

"Honestly, Jack, I think he's a bad influence."

Great, now I sound more like his mom than his best friend.

"What the actual hell, Zack! You're not as supportive of my first actual relationship as I thought you would be."

Well, if the person he's dating isn't me, then of course I wouldn't support him. The thing that sucks about that, is that I can't say that. I don't want to end up being that one friend that's a homewrecker, and I know if I break up this relationship then that's all I'll end up being called. At the same time, I just know Alex isn't as perfect as Jack thinks he is. He seems like one of those people who always seems happy just to stay undercover from something secretive.

"Jack, can we talk about this tomorrow? I really have to go." I ceased the argument, because if I was going to spill my feelings about Jack, I'm definitely not spilling it at his mom's house.

"Okay but--fine. I'll be at my apartment. Come over whenever you're ready." He went back upstairs without saying a word.

I sighed of relief and nervousness. Tomorrow...will be a very interesting day.


oHh shit

The next chapter will be the moment you guys have been waiting for. That's all I'm saying about it.

Since I know exactly how I'm writing the next chapter, I won't have writers block for once and I might do an early update.

Stay sweg


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