Mr Dawson (part 2)

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Jack's pov

"So, you're telling me that in the span of one week, Alex threatened to kill you, you made up with Zack, and Alex admitted that he's killed people who tried to leave him?" Mr. Dawson asked, who was currently in utter shock. I didn't have a therapy session today, but I felt like I needed to immediately tell Mr. Dawson about what happened while I was gone. He didn't seemed surprised at all, that was until I mentioned anything about death. That creeped me out a bit...anyways, I just finished telling him the entire story of what happened while I was out.

"Pretty Much." I replied, nodding my head a bit.

Mr. Dawson, or should I say Rian as he let me call him, has been my therapist for...a few months now? I started going to him when I started dating Alex, which was about four months ago (A/N: I know a few chapters back I said they've been together for five months but they've really been together for three and a half, which rounds up to 'about four' so yeah just an fyi ok keep reading), so around that time. Rian's not even the therapist type, but he noticed how ever since I started hanging around Alex that my grades were starting to drop. Biology was the only class I had a decent grade in, and now that's gone. I could probably have Zack help me of course, but he'll just complain about how he sucks at it, even though he has a solid B in here.

"Well, for starters," Mr. Dawson shuffled around with his papers, "I'm glad that you Zack made up." He smiled at me.

"Thanks. Speaking of Zack, he wants all of the work he missed in here." I informed, just remembering about that. I'm glad I don't take advanced classes anymore, because I've only been to three classes to get Zack's work, and I don't think I've ever seen that much work...ever.

"I figured that; it's on that table over there," He gestured over to the table near the front door. "But you can get that later. I'm still concerned about you and Alex. I mean, one week you're saying that Zack was a pain in your ass and Alex was the only person you needed. Now, it's the other way around..." Rian chuckled to himself. "All jokes aside, I'm guessing you want this fool arrested, don't you?"

"Somewhat." I nervously responded, "I do want him locked up for eternity, but I can't do it myself. He'd slaughter me or have someone else do it if I directly call the police on him. I need someone else to do it." I finished off.

"Well...I think I can arrange a few things to the point where he's arrested and doesn't know who framed him at all." Mr. Dawson had the look on his face that any human would have if they had the sickest and wickedest plan in their head. I grinned to myself, because not only was Alex a few days, hours, or even minutes away from being arrested, but Mr, Dawson was going to help me.

"Seriously?" I asked in a more surprising tone than I gave off.

"Definitely. As a matter of fact, he'll be in jail by tomorrow afternoon." He gave me a satisfying grin.

"Thanks so much Mr. Dawson, it means a lot." I smiled in return. I grabbed my items, along with Zack's work, and headed to the door.

"No problem, Jack. By the way, tell Zack he has to stay after school for a few weeks whenever he gets back." Rian requested. I nodded and went to my locker to put Zack's work up along with the thick stack he already has. I closed my locker, and whet ahead to lunch.

All I could think about is Zack back at my apartment. I wonder if he's okay...what if something happened to him? I doubt it but, anything can happen. I also still had Mr. Dawson's words running through my head. The thought alone that Alex is officially going to be locked up is exiting enough, but this also means another thing: Alex will officially be out of my life, which means I could focus 100% on Zack! He'll finally be mine, and we could have the decent and peaceful relationship I've always wanted us to have. Well...more like the relationship I've wanted us to have for the past few weeks, but same thing.

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