The Argument

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It's been a week since school started.

It's also been a week I've been ignored by Jack.

Honestly, I feel like this is all my fault. For once, my niceness is legitimately taken advantage of. If I wasn't so curious about a new kid, most likely i wouldn't have been so sad about my best friend-my only friend, ditching me for someone he just met. And honestly, it's not fun seeing your best friend with someone else every single day. Well, that was until today.

I was walking into the lunch room, to see the typical table me and Jack used to sit at, being occupied my Jack and Alex. I let out a quiet groan, but still managed to take steps over to the table.

Jack and Alex shared their usual hey's to me, then went on to talking about a band, or guitars, or food, or whatever the topic was today. I just sat there, in silence, looking at the two share a conversation.

"I'm going to get lunch, you coming?" Alex got up and gestured over to the line, which was longer than usual today.

"Actually, I'll stay here with Zack. I'm not hungry." He shook his head at Alex, making my head shoot up from the book I was reading, and furrow my eyebrows. He was parting from Alex for once?

Alex shrugged his shoulders, and walked over to the line, not questioning Jack. After he left, Jack occupied Alex's seat, which was right in front of me. I looked him in confusion, because we both know it's very unusual for him to part from Alex for once. He laughed at me, while looking at my face reaction, and shook his head but I was dead serious.

"Zack, I need your help." He fiddled with his jacket sleeve and looked down at it. What does he need my help for? Why is he asking me instead of his new best friend? For once odd reason, this pisses me off badly.

"With what?" I shut my mouth immediately after I said that, due to what I said sounding more meaner than I expected. He looked at me with confusion, and I already know this conversation isn't going to end well. Oh god.

"Wow, don't be so rude. What's up your ass today?" He chucked, making another joke, but this time I was going inferno. How, after all of this time, does he not know what he's doing? He's been ignoring me all week, and is going to act like I'm not going to be the usual teenager and get pissed off when my best friend ignores me, especially if that best friend is someone I've been crushing on for the longest.

I had thoughts on saying something awkward like 'Alex's dick, which you probably wish was up your ass', or something emotionally awkward, yet smooth like 'Sadly, not your dick'. But at this point, I really wasn't thinking about anything I was saying. I was just letting out all of the rage I had in for the last week.

"Are you seriously going to ignore the fact that you've been treating Alex like he's some king, and been ignoring me, like I'm a peasant?" My voice was louder than usual, something I'm not used to. My voice never gets loud, and it's a weird feeling that it's happening now, to my so-called best friend.

"What are you talking about?" He threw his hands up in defense, his voice being even louder than mine was, which got a few peoples' attention. I was already sweating and getting nervous, since I'm not a fan of huge crowds, and I really didn't have a choice besides get up and leave.

"Nothing, you're just an ass." I said in a normal tone, while grabbing my belongings and walking out of the door. I've never been this mad at anyone, let alone Jack. Fortunately, I'm not afraid to admit that it was jealousy. I'll admit, I'm jealous at the fact that my best friend was ignoring me for someone he just met. But I wasn't expecting to spazz out on him like that.

I went to my locker, grabbed my books, and went to my next class a little early today.


The next few weeks were most likely worse than the day me and Jack got into that argument. Jack was still ignoring me, but this time, on purpose.  Alex did say hey to me every now and then throughout that day, I guess to show me that he's not as mad at me, like Jack was.

In a way, I do regret getting mad at him and yelling at him. I should've kept my mouth shut, yet at the same time, I'm glad I got all of that off of my chest...sort of. I still love him to death, but he's being a complete idiot as of now.

During lunch, I sat with Alex, since Jack had detention today, I guess he wasn't doing his work or something, I don't know. Alex said he had to talk to me anyways. Great.

"Sup, Zack?" Alex spoke while putting his lunch tray on the table. With the original welcoming smile he always had.

"Hi, Alex. You said you needed to talk to me?"

"Yeah, it's about Jack."

I cursed under my breath. I should've known Alex was going to turn against me, just because Jack was ignoring me. I honestly hope that wasn't the situation.

"What about him?" I looked at him, while he was sitting down.

"Well, um, he's...devastated." He slumped in his chair. "And he's been crying all last night about you. I guess he was wondering why you flipped out on him for no reason." He shrugged, with the same emotion on his face.

Well, wasn't this great. I couldn't tell Alex that the reason I fussed at my best friend was because of him. That'd be awkward, especially when he's helping me confront Jack. I just wanted this to be over with, because I'll admit, I'm a jealous, lonely prick.

"I'll call him after school, but thanks for letting me in on the info." I grabbed my stuff, since I was planning on being early for class, once again. I don't feel like staying around someone that cause so much tension without even realizing it.

"Anytime, bro." Alex gestured a 'goodbye' before I went out of the cafeteria, back to my locker. On the way there, I bumped into the last person I wanted to see today.


So sorry this took ages, but wow so much drama so little time lmao


Anyways stay sweg


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