The Argument, part 2

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As I thought these past few weeks couldn't get any worse, they did.

While I was minding my business, being the free American teenager that I am walking my my personal locker, I see the same person who's been ignoring me all day. I tried to keep my head down, because I didn't want to even look at him, but no, this idiot had the nerve to bump right into me. Here we go again.

I looked at Jack stumble back a bit, then look up at me. He and I both knew that we couldn't just walk off ignoring each other, no matter how much we wanted to. Because let's be honest, we would most likely regret it. I took a huge sigh, and attempted to say something logical.

"Alex told my you've been crying." I have him a stern look while raising my eyebrows. I didn't want to be in this situation any more than he did.

"Why is Alex even talking to you when I'm not around?" He rolled his eyes and looked concerned.

"What do you mean? He's a student, just like me and you, and he can talk to me whenever he feels like it. Simple as that." I raised my voice a bit.

I can already tell that this conversation wasn't going to end well either.

"You didn't even know who he was until I introduced him to you, Zack." He raised his voice to reach my loudness.

"Actually, it was the other way around."

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it was, Jack."

"I know, but let me be right for once. Why do you hate me so much anyways? I can't think of a single thing I've done to you for you to ignore me."

By now, my brain has legitimately died, due to anger and idiocy. How can he still not know why I'm mad at him? I decided to not hold such a grudge and finally tell him.

"Jack, the real question is why have you been ignoring me." I lowered my voice.

"Wait, what?"

"How does it feel to be ignored by your best friend, huh?" I sort of regretted saying that, considering it sounded less brattier in my head. Nonetheless, Jack stared at me, like I was the one that was going to answer the question. I sighed under my breath.

"That wasn't a rhetorical question, Jack."

"Oh, shit, sorry." He chuckled under his breath, which made me smile a bit, but I wasn't going to show any emotion towards him. "It sucks honestly. Being ignored by the one person I thought would never leave me, let alone ignore me." He shrugged his shoulders. I'm glad he knows how it feels to be rejected. He's not the only one.

"Well, that's exactly how I feel when you're always around Alex." I sighed under my breath when I noticed Jack's facial expression, which looked even more confused. "Ever since you met Alex, you've been ignoring me. All of the things we used to talk about are now just pointless conversations with someone you literally just met. Jack, I've known you for years, and I never thought you'd treat me like this, wether you know it or not." I took a huge breath, wondering what Jack's next words were going to be.

"Zack, I..." He paused. His face expression went from sympathetic to seriously pissed. oh god.

"I didn't think you'd be so jealous, just because I'm actually making friends for once." My eyeballs shot straight out of my head, and I completely lost it. I just let my anger take over me.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous? I have no reason to be! You can have all of the friends you want, even if they are attention seekers like Alex."

What am I saying? Of course I'm jealous. I'm jealous of the fact that some new kid has been hanging with my friend for weeks. Some new kid has been hanging with my so-called crush for weeks, and I'm tired of it. Im sick of it.

"Don't call Alex an attention seeker! He actually gives a fuck about me, unlike you do." Jack practically shouted my eardrums out. I've never been so angry in my life. How could he say that? I probably care about him more than anyone else on this planet, but he's being a complete idiot as of now.

"How could you say that? I've known you for years Jack. Stop whining like a little bitch. I bet Alex doesn't even care for you."

"I know he does. If you really cared about me and actually was my best friend, you would stay around me, and not ignore me because of Alex."

"Well I wasn't about to third-wheel with my best friend and a new kid! Why do you even think that he cares more about you than I do?"

At this point, I was furious. I didn't even want to put up with anymore of Jack's bullshit. How dare he say that Alex cares about him more than I do? How dare he say that Alex is a better friend? I've known him for years, way more than Alex has. I know every single bit of information about him, something Alex probably doesn't even know. But those next few words, those words that made me feel empty, is what really got me off.



oh shit, a cliffhanger

sorry I haven't updated in ages, I've been busy with school and other shit. Also, sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the others.

I know in the previous chapter it said a week and this chapter it says weeks, that's bc I'm changing it to a month bc this story is moving slow lmao


stay sweg


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