Making Amends - Final

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oh wow the last chapter of this book :')

Jack's pov

"So, you remember the plan, right?" Alex asked. We were driving home from school. It was Friday, which means the first week back of school was over. Alex has gotten used to the weird stares and neglecting at school by now. Tony eventually found out about his Jail time but don't know why he was actually there. Only the seniors of the school knew, and all of the other grades chew off of the rumor that he shoplifted the local Walmart. Since both Mike and Tony are juniors, they believe that rumor and are still cool with Alex. Long story short, me, Tony, and Mike are his only friends.

As for Zack, we haven't spoken a word to each other since Monday night. I can tell he was a bit disappointed with me that I wouldn't talk to him, but I was so wrapped up in the plan Alex told me that I really didn't have time to talk to him, until today.

"Yeah. Thanks again for letting me tell Zack about what you've been going through." I assured.

"No problem, it's the only way he'll truly believe you." Alex replied. He was dropping me off at Zack's apartment, while he waited outside.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked again. I know about Alex's feelings towards me; he told me about them Monday night, the last time he had a panic attack. He said the reason he broke down was because he wanted to be with me but couldn't because he's moving next month. Yep, he was fussing with his mom on the phone because they were moving all the way to England. Oh course I cried that night; Alex is one of my closest friends. He helped me through most of the bullshit I've been this year. I can't believe he's actually leaving, but he told me I better not cry over him, so I won't.

"Definitely. You need Zack, Zack needs you. If you explain everything to him, I guarantee your relationship is saved." He answered. I smiled at him, and opened that car door.

"Thanks, Alex." I told him before walking up to Zack's apartment. I still had an apartment key. I helped myself in and saw that Zack was in the living room watching tv. He was a bit surprised to see me, but still managed a smile. I smiled back and sat on the couch beside him, taking the remote out of his hand and shutting the tv off.

"Rude." He said. I shrugged my shoulders and was prepared to talk.

"Okay, so, We're going to talk again. But this time, I'll do all of the talking before you jump to conclusions. So I'd appreciate if you listened to me, okay?" I asked. I didn't want to screw this up at all. He had a questioning look on his face, then shrugged.


I smiled and continued, "So. Through your eyes, you think that I've been dating Alex behind your back, which isn't true at all. But for some weird reason you don't believe me, so how about I just tell you about everything Alex and I have went through since he got out of jail, shall I?" I asked again. He looked a bit hurt that I mentioned Alex but he nodded his head nonetheless.

"Good. So let's start with our first date, you know, the day you asked me out. While we were at the drive in movie and you were getting our meals, I saw Alex there. He was with Lisa a few cars ahead of us. He didn't see me, but that gave me a sign that he was out of Jail." I told him. He looked a bit paranoid, which was kind of cute.

"Anyways, the day after, I went to hang out with Tony. I know you remember that. When I got there, I noticed that Alex was there too. Him and Tony were actually neighbors, so I was kind of forced to hang out with him, even though I didn't want to be around him at the time. Afterwards, before I left Tony's place, we had a discussion. He was talking me about how his parents bailed him out and how he had a intervention with them. He also told me he was taking psychotherapy because his parents think something's mentally wrong with him. His therapist found out that he's not just randomly killing people but there's a more emotional reason to why he does it. Long story short, he was actually trying to get better. So from that point on, I always helped Alex if he needed anything. He was going through a breakup with Lisa at the time, so he would have random panic attacks and I'd always be there for him because well, I'm a caring person." I paused.

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