Alex Returns...Again

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If you read the first half I accidentally published then stfu and don't spoil anything you rat


Jack's pov

I slowed down on the street where Tony lived on. I forgot his address; I only remembered the street name for some odd reason. Now that I think about it, this road looks so...familiar.

I drove slowly until I saw a big house with Tony and Mike on the steps. Those two are so dating. They'll come out to me one day, too. I'll make them tell me. Anyways, I pulled up in his driveway.

Tony got up first, waving his arms and running to my car like a child. Mike causally walked up behind him. I got out of the car to be engulfed into a giant hug from Tony shortly after.

"Jack! You made it!" He said while jumping up and down.

"Chill, Tony." I said while patting his shoulder. He stopped jumping and we all walked into his house.

It was definitely huge, and it felt warm and a lot of people lived here. I heard an extremely familiar voice in another room. It sounded like they were on the phone or something.

"Um, who all are here?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous. I'm not the best with parents, so I hope it's not his dad or something.

"My parents are at work, so as of now, it's just me, Mike, you, and Alex." Tony informed me.

I instantly tensed up and that warm felling was gone. Did he just say Alex was here? No. It can't be the Alex I'm thinking about.

"Alex?" I ask, making sure I heard that right.

"Yeah, he's my neighbor and he goes to our school. When I told him you were coming over, he got happy and said you two go 'way back', whatever that means." Tony answered with a chuckle, "Anyways, when he gets off the phone, I'll go start the game up so we can play."

Tony and Mike went to sit in the living room. I would've went too, but I couldn't move. I had two options. I could go sit in there and act casual, or run back home in Zack's arms. I don't want to ditch Tony because well, he's my only other friend besides Zack at the moment, but at the same time, I don't want to be around Alex. Especially in this scenario.

I took a deep breath and went with them into the living room to sit. Mike and Tony were sitting next to each other, with one of Tony's legs across Mike's lap. Yep, they're definitely a thing.

"So, what did you do all weekend?" Tony asked, picking up a small bouncing ball off of his table and playing with it. He seemed more focused on the ball then the answer to the question he just asked me.

"Oh, nothing much," I answered, "I just went on a date with Zack last night, but that was about it." I opted out the part where I found out my criminal ex was out of jail and barely served a week, but I don't think Tony is ready to hear all of that.

"You're dating Zack? Since when?" Mike asked. Oh yeah, I forgot that no one at school knows...except Tony and Mike, and eventually Alex. I'll have to talk to Zack about if he wants to be open about us at school or not. I don't mind; everyone at school already knows that I'm a flaming homo, plus I was extremely open with Alex. We legit made out in the middle of a hallway once.

"We've been technically a couple for around a month now, but we made it official yesterday on our date." I answered and smiled at him.

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