Finally Together?

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I was gonna get smutty in this chapter but I got lazy and skipped it so sorry if you were expecting it ok

Jack's Pov

I woke up, noticing an arm draped around me. I smiled to myself, knowing that it was Zack, my best friend, and maybe even soon-to-be boyfriend.

Last night was an emotional roller coaster. It took me a while to even remember all that happened. All I know so far is that Zack came home early, we argued, kissed, probably fucked, and on top of all that, I found out that Alex is possessive as hell and he was cheating on me. Isn't life amazing?

But after last night, I'm not afraid to admit that I probably do have feelings for Zack. I don't even feel like I've recently gained them, either. I feel like they've been there for ages, but I've been ignoring them. Which is why I wasn't afraid to make out him last night...

My thoughts disappeared when I heard Zack mumble something in my ear.

"Morning, Jacky." I turned around and saw Zack smiling with his eyes closed. I kissed his cheek and got up to take a shower. I heard Zack pout behind me, which made me chuckle a bit.

I'm planning on having a lazy day today, instead of immediately going to talk to Alex. I just want to stay as far away from him as I can. I don't need his negativity in my life as of now.

And about school, I think I'll just stay home with Zack, since he got suspended for a week because of my shenanigans. It's only two more weeks until fall break anyways. Plus, I gave him permission to stay here all week (well, he insisted on staying to make sure I was okay, but I don't mind at all).

And with Zack, I don't feel like I should instantly hop straight into a relationship with him. I want to wait until I got all of this Alex drama out of the way before I start going out with Zack. I care about him way too much to focus one something else while I'm with him. So I guess we're unofficially official.

As soon as I got out of the shower, I saw Zack with a towel on, waiting at the door to also take a shower. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit distracted by his toned abs and muscle-y arms--if that's even a word.

"Jack, you okay?" Zack snapped in my face, trying to get my attention.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I responded, holding out the 'yeah'. I heard Zack chuckle at me when I walked back onto the bed. I laid down, and waited for Zack to get out of the shower. I closed my eyes and started having visions.

I dreamt of me and Alex at his house. We were arguing about him and his girlfriend.

"Look, Jack, you can believe anything that twit Zack says, or you could believe your trustworthy boyfriend, me." Alex pointed to himself.

"Alex, I'm not a dumbass! I know you're the one lying. Now all you have to do is admit it, and I'll officially break up with you." I crossed my arms.

"But you're not going to leave me!" Alex shouted.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, wether it's with or without you." I retorted.

"Jack, you'll always be with me, wether you like it or not." Alex's voice became stern and serious.

"W-what the fuck Alex?" I questioned him.

"Either you live a life with me, or you don't live a life at all." Alex pulled a knife straight out of his back pocket, and came closer to me.

I instantly woke up, terrified as hell. I don't even know why I had that dream- or nightmare- in the first place. Now I'm even more scared to see Alex.

I realized Zack was holding me, and hugging me tight.

"Everything's going to be okay, Jack. Calm down." Zack whispered in my ear. The fact that he was shirtless and his warm body was hugging up against me was both calming me down and turning me on. I was a bit sad when he let go of me.

"So, what's the plan today?" Zack asked me while throwing a shirt on.

"I was just going to order some movies and have a lazy day, yanno?" I shrugged and looked up at him.

"Oh. That's why you changed back into pajamas? Whoops." Zack chuckled while going back to change in his pajamas, that was before I stopped him.

"Wait! Zack...if you don't mind, can you go get some movies and popcorn for us? Ya know, since you're already dressed?" I held his hand whisk asking him.

"Of course, Jack. I'll be back in a few." He grabbed his keys and left out of the door.

Gee, it feels good have someone like Zack around.

Zack's Pov

When I got back with movies and popcorn, Jack was already on the living room chair with blankets and tissues. I guess Jack knew that I brought at least one soppy movie. I laughed at him and placed the handful of movies in his reach.

The past twenty four hours with Jack have been so blissful. Its almost like we completely forgot all about Alex and just lived our own lives. I've been in such a sweet and positive mood ever since last night, and that probably won't change since I'm around Jack 24/7 now. I'm just glad that I can call him mine now...well not just yet, but in a few weeks, maybe.

After I finished pouring two bags of popcorn into a bowl, I went back into the other room and put the bowl between Jack and I. While I grabbed part of the blanket Jack was using, I looked over at him and saw him pouting. I chuckled to myself.

"What's wrong, Jacky?"

"It's not fair how the bowl of popcorn is closer to you then I am."

A wave of butterflies erupted inside of me. I'm still not used to when Jack says cute things to me like that. I moved the bowl, and Jack cuddled up next to me, resting his head on my shoulder.




This was just a lil filler chapter full of cute stuff. But I warn you, in the next chapter, shit gets real.

What are you guys doing for Christmas?

stay festively sweg


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