Alex Returns

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The picture is the shirt Jack and Zack share, ok enjoy bye

"Do we have to?" Jack asked, still in bed, petrified. "Like, can't we wait or something? I don't mind waiting until tomo-"

"Jack," I intervened, "I get that you're scared out of your mind; I am too. But we might as well get this out of the way before something worse happens tomorrow at school." I pulled the covers off of him. All week, we've been hanging out at his apartment. I'm not gonna lie, I've had so much fun with him all week. Sometimes we went out to eat, sometimes we stayed home and just enjoyed each other's presence. We even went to an amusement park once.

But now, since it's Sunday and we have to return to school tomorrow, we have to see Alex before shit gets even worse at school. I know how scary Alex can be, and I'd be damned if he does anything to Jack.

"Zacky," Jack sat up and stood in front of me,"I'm scared." He had the most adorable pout on his face. I got butterflies from him calling me Zacky; I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"Don't be. I'm not going to go in there with you, but if you need me or you start to feel uncomfortable then just call on me. Okay? I promise he won't hurt you." I intertwined out hands together and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I felt a smile creep up on his face.

"Plus, if we get through this, we could come back and you know, cuddle or whatever." I whispered into his ear. I'm not usually the type to act like this, but I know that Jack knows what I mean by 'or whatever'. His head shot upright.

"I think I'll go get dressed now." Jack let go of me and ran to the bathroom. It's funny how needy he can be. It's a little hot too, honestly.

I walked to the living room to wait on Jack. Secretly, I was just as scared as Jack about this. I don't mean I'm scared of him physically, because that's probably the other way around. But what if he does something to Jack to the point where I can't defend him? I highly doubt it myself, but we're dealing with Alex here, so you never know.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and then I saw Jack.

"Isn't that my shirt?" I asked looking at the grey Batman shirt that he was currently wearing.

"I don't know, probably." He shrugged and started sniffing it. I laughed, knowing he stole my shirt. I don't mind though, since I love him to death.

We got into the car, with Jack driving since he knew where Alex stayed and I didn't. On the way there, I could tell his nervousness was up badly. He was swerving on the road a bit, jittery get in the seat, and I could just tell from the look on his face that he was about to panic at any moment.

I sighed, laughed, and held Jack's hand that wasn't on the wheel. That managed to stop his shaking, but he was still swerving on the road. I guess that just links with his terrible driving skills.

We pulled up to Alex's house, which was huge. It could've gotten mistaken for a mansion is it wasn't blue.

"I know, it's huge." Jack informed me, "His mom's like this top notch fashion designer, and his dad is in the military. That's why they had to move here."

"To Baltimore?"

"I know, it seems odd, but the military base that's in Maryland is full, so they settled on the outskirts of it. It was either here or Buford, which is down is Georgia."

I raised an eyebrow, knowing that this doesn't even sound right. I shrugged it off, because it was Jack that was explaining all of this.

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