The Positive Outcomes

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As promised, here's a long chapter filled with merrikat fluff. enjoy


Zack's pov

School sucks. No, actually school is okay, I just hate work. Especially make up work. This shit is so confusing. How on earth am I supposed to know this stuff? I mean, some of it isn't even that hard but all of this biology and history work is physically hurting my brain.

Ever since I dropped Jack off at school, I've been contemplating over how I should ask Jack to move in with me. I'm extremely nervous, though I shouldn't be. I mean, we're already practically living here together, and knowing Jack's parents he's not going to keep this apartment long. The only negative thing that can possibly happen is Jack saying no, and that's doubtful enough.

About three hours ago I decided to do something else besides think about Jack all day. I activated my neat-freak mode and cleaned up Jack's entire apartment, even though I didn't need to. After that I decided to finish up my make-up work and get it over with. I only have history bookwork and a biology sheet to finish up, but those are my two worst subjects. I've been used to all of my classes being easy up until this year, so I try to ignore those subjects.

While I was finishing up biology work, I heard the front door open to reveal Jack. When he came in all the way, he noticed I was doing my work and smiled. I already knew he was about to pick on me, considering I hate doing work at home.

"Aw, my little nerd is doing work." Jack said in a baby-like voice, laughing afterwards. I chuckled along with him. Those butterflies I had this morning were coming back just because he simply called me his 'little nerd'. I mean, I am an inch shorter than him but that doesn't mean anything.

"Shutup and come over here. I've been lonely all day." I put my work up and held my arms out so he could sit on my lap. He didn't even hesitate to drop his bag and almost legitimately run into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek, while his legs were spread across mine. I smiled at the gesture while mentally squealing like a freaking pig on the inside. I swear, if only Jack knew how much he affects me.

"You know, your schoolwork is more important than me." He said, noticing I threw my work on the floor beside the couch just so he could sit on my lap. I sarcastically chuckled due to the mere fact that he really thinks that school is more important than him. I'll admit, I can get nerdy at times but as of now, he's the most important thing in my life. God, I sound like a fuckimg old married man or some shit.

"I highly doubt it. Anyways, how was school?" I asked while playing in his hair. I always loved his little blonde streak he got a while back, though it does make him look like an alien. It's unique in my opinion.

"It was amazing!" He asked while excitedly hopping up and down a bit on the couch while kissing my cheek. Something really good must have happened, because he's never this exited about school. I'm not complaining though; Jack's kisses are the best.

"Christ, Jack. What all happened?" I asked while trying to stop him from repeatedly kissing my cheek. It was a weak defense though, because i honestly didn't want this to stop. He eventually stopped and continued talking.

"For starters, Alex got arrested today! Right on the spot." Jack said and my eyes went wide. I totally forgot about that and when I remembered, everything made sense. I mean, not trying to sound cliché here, but I realized Alex is out of our lives now...He's actually gone. Jack has nothing to be scared about anymore. He's all mine now. A smile naturally came upon my face and I looked at Jack. He really did seem happy about this.

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