Date Night

340 16 4

Jack's pov

This week couldn't have gone by faster if it wanted to. I've been so happy and in a good mood all week, simply because of Zack. I mean, my biology grade is going up a little which also makes me happy, but it was only because of Zack staying up with me all night to make sure I understand it, regardless of the extra work he has to finish. He's so caring sometimes, it's crazy.

I was moving the rest of my boxes in Zack's apartment. He was busy with 'setting up our date for tonight', so he wasn't here to help me. His stuff was already here because, well, it was his apartment. He moved the rest of his stuff from home before I woke up this morning. I haven't seen him all day hardly and it's very agonizing, to say the least. I'm the one moving into his fucking apartment yet he simply can't even help his boyf-, uh, best friend move their stuff inside? Gees.

I dragged the last box inside of the house, taking a huge breath afterwards. I've been hauling in boxes all afternoon, and I'm not that athletic so it did take some time. I didn't have that much stuff, just clothes, video games, and the other usual shit a teenage boy would have. I was going to only unpack my clothes today since Zack already told me where to put them, then unpack everything else tomorrow. I did just that, and got a call from Zack when I was nearly finished. Oh course I picked up; I miss him.

"Sup roomie?" I asked in an optimistic tone. I know me calling him my roomie annoys him a bit, but it's quite adorable how irritating he gets at the word. I don't even see what's the big deal about it.

"Jack, how many times do I have to tell you about how stupid that word is?" Zack said in an annoyed voice. I laughed at his reaction.

"Whatever. I'm almost finished unpacking, and I'm taking a shower and changing afterwards, if that's what you were about to ask." I tell him ahead of time.

"Uh, yeah, but I also was going to tell you that I'm coming home in thirty minutes to pick you up. See ya." He instantly hung up, not letting me say anything else.

"Zack, I-" I realized he already hung up. Wow, it's adorable how exited he is about all of this. I wonder where he's taking me...I kept myself from thinking about that so I won't end up thinking instead of actually getting ready. What the hell was I going to wear? I'll just find something when I'm done washing.

I got everything I needed and went into the bathroom. When I got in there, I saw two outfits sitting on a counter. I would assume Zack just set out what he was wearing tonight ahead of time, but there was a note between the outfits. I picked it up and read it.

Choose one to wear tonight. ~ Zack

Wow, he actually bought me two outfits for tonight. He didn't even have to do that. I put the note down and smiled like the idiot I am. As of now, this date might be the best night of my life....snapping out of my childish fantasies, I chose the outfit with, black button-up and skinny jeans. It seemed more causal and comfortable than the other outfit.

After I quickly showered and got ready, I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure everything was decent. I mean, even though I'm going on a date with someone I knew most of my life, I'm still a little anxious about it all. I tend to screw up every now and then, but tonight is not the night for that to happen.

"I knew you would chose that outfit." I instantly snapped out of my pessimistic thoughts when I felt hands around my waist and a kiss on my cheek. I look up from the ground to see Zack behind me.

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