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I decided to only do the epilogue bc I'm too lazy to do the other two lmao. Sorry if this ends up being too short. Anyways, enjoy :))


Zack's pov (In August)

"Come on, Zack! You can do this! Only a few bags left." Jack said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"You know, for someone who's extremely lanky, you're very lazy." I replied while walking into our dorms with our bags.

Being Jack Barakat's boyfriend is not an easy task. I've been with him for eights months now, and I've actually realized how lazy he truly is. We were just getting into our college dorms. I didn't pack much, but Jack decided it would be brilliant to pack his entire room...and make me carry all of his luggage to the actual dorms. I was carrying both him and luggage back and forth. He was facing me, with his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. He wasn't that heavy, but his bags were. Luckily I was holding the last two.

I finally got into our dorm and dropped the bags. I let my arms rest before holding Jack's hips. He started clapping like a child, which was honestly so adorable.

"I have such a strong boyfriend. Everyone at this college has rights to be jealous." He bragged. I was used to him bragging about me by now. He did it over the summer, so I would expect him to do it here too. I just hope that he doesn't creep the college kids out be doing so.

"Jack, how many times do I have to tell you that bragging isn't nice? I can brag about how amazing and adorable you are, but I don't because I'm a nice person." I said while kissing his nose. He smiled and chuckled at my cheesiness. We literally have this conversation all the time. He brags about me, I tell him I could brag about him but don't because I'm nice, he complains about my cheesiness. Though it's repetitive, it's also extremely adorable in my opinion.

"Fine, fine. Don't start with the cheesiness." He replied. I loved being cheesy with him. I honestly loved watching him blush and get all shy. It's the cutest thing, and it tends to happen a lot actually.

"Never, my love." I said and kissed his cheek. He put his head into my shoulder because he was blushing so much. I could tell.

"Let's start unpacking before my cheeks explode." He said while jumping off of me. He went over to his bags and simply starting unpacking. Honestly, I was nervous for college. I didn't want to leave my parents or friends. Jack didn't either. The only reason why we're here is because Jack's mom wanted his son to experience the campus life, and I didn't want to be parted from Jack so I tagged along. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt experiencing the campus life with my boyfriend and make new friends...or at least I'm hoping it doesn't. It took me four years to make friends in high school, so I doubt I'll even make any here.

Eventually everything was unpacked and we were settled in. Though we had separate beds, Jack insisted on laying in mine because his wasn't big enough, though that was a blank lie. Our beds were exactly shaped the same and I didn't have any problems with mine. I went along with it anyways though.

"Zack, I'm bored." He said while cuddling into me. I woke up from my half-slumber.

"And I'm tired." I replied, closing my eyes again. He sighed dramatically. I felt kind of bad for ignoring him now.

"Zack," he said, dragging out my name. So that's why he's bothering me. He's desperate. I opened my eyes and sighed. I love him and all, but I was very tired and I needed some rest.

"Jack," I said, mocking him, "If you loved me then you'd let me sleep." I stated, resting again.

"Fine. But if you loved me the you'd kiss me right now." He said, getting closer to my face. I sighed and pulled him into a kiss. He quickly deepened it. Well shit, that woke me up. I parted from him and gave him a warning look.

"You purposely did that, didn't you?" I asked, playing in his hair. He shrugged. Of course he did; he knows stuff like that makes me very alert.

"Maybe." He said while kissing me again and straddling me. College will definitely be...interesting.


so YES, the sequel will be during their college lives. I'm so freaking exited about it. I already have like two chapters done lmao. I have no idea where this was headed. Sorry it's extremely short. The bonus chapter should be up in a week or two.

stay sweg


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