Meetup, Part 2

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Friday. A day you're supposed to love, but for me, I'm more nervous then ever.

After school, I have to go over to Jack's apartment, and finish the nerve racking conversation with Jack. Honestly, it's not even nerve wracking; maybe I'm just exaggerating. Nonetheless, I was up all night thinking about some of the things he said yesterday.

"You're hiding shit from me now, Zack?"

"What up with you and Alex? Like...why don't you like him?"

"You're not as supportive of my first relationship as I thought you would be."

All of those words felt like stones bruising my entire body, which probably explains why I feel like I have a huge migraine.


Thank god I'm finally out of this class. I grabbed my books and walked out of the class, to my locker. The hall is always crowded, but today it seemed even more crowded then before. I pushed and shoved through hundreds of kids just to get to my locker, which is a first. When I put my stuff in, I turned around to see Alex staring directly at me.

"Zack, do you have a minute? We need to talk." He scratched behind his neck.

Why the heck does this kid have to talk to me? Jack must have told him about our conversations and now Alex is out to protect him or something. Nonetheless, I guess he doesn't get the memo yet about me staying at from him, regardless of who we're friends with.

"Sure, I guess." I shrugged my shoulderes, as he started walking south of the hallway. As I was following him, I noticed that he was taking me to the ancients of this school. Some of these rooms haven't been used for years, maybe even decades. Looking at all of this, I wondered why on earth is Alex even taking me back here. The first thought I had was to run and tell Jack that his boyfriend was psychotic and he tried to kill me, but by that time, we were already at our destination.

"Why are we all the way back here? Is the conversation that serious?" I looked at the old walls, caving in and peeling around the hall.

"Yes, it's that serious." Alex looked over at me, and gave me this weird look. A look I've never seen in his face. He's usually always happy and in a good mood, but now, he's definitely serious and I'm not afraid to admit that I was a little scared.

He opened the door with a key I didn't even know he had ahold of, and stepped into the dark, empty classroom. Why does this side of school even exist? What kind of school has rooms like this anyways? Alex shut the door, and locked it. Every second, I was getting even more frightened than I was before. I knew Alex wasn't as nice as he seemed.

"Zack, I'm just gonna cut to the chase here. I know you've been talking to Jack." He walked to one of the desks and sat on the tabletop, "And I know you're going to his apartment to talk to him today."

"Wait, how the fuck do you know all of this?" I almost shouted; it's what I usually do when I'm scared out of my mind, and as of now, I'm extremely close to being scared to death.

"Well," Alex looked up with an innocent-like look, "He is my boyfriend after all."

"What's that supposed to mean?" My voice was getting louder every time I spoke, because I was getting angrier. I was right; this kid is psychotic.

Alex chuckled. "What do you think it means, silly? I'm supposed to know where he is at all times. Even when he is around his best friend." Alex started fiddling with his own hands, meanwhile the only emotion I was feeling was anger. Why is he spying on Jack and I's conversations? Is he that possessive over Jack? My mind is sort of blown at this moment.

"Y-you spy on Jack?"

"Well when you put it that way, I sound like a creep, which I'm not. I'm just really protective over the things that are mine. Aside from that, this isn't about me and Jack. This is about how you've been putting him through so much bullshit just because you don't like us together."

Damn it, he's on to me.

I guess Alex does get the memo after all; he just doesn't go by it often. At least he knows I couldn't care less about him and his relationship. I'm just wondering what he's planning on doing next.

"I'm glad you know that I don't trust you around Jack, and shit like this is the reason why. And the so-call bullshit I put him through, isn't because I don't want you guys together, which I don't," I took a breather, "But simply because ever since you met him, he's been starting a shit ton of drama with me."

"You seriously think I give two fucks about you and the shit you go through?" Alex chuckled. "Look. All I'm saying is stay the hell away from Jack."

By this point, I was way too pissed to try and compromise with Alex. He spies on Jack and is way too overprotective of him, and he expects me to act like that's okay? It's not, and I'm definitely not going to let it slide.

"Well, you're you, so I'm not expecting you to care about me. All I know is that Jack is my best friend and I'm not going to let him stay with you any longer. I'm done with this shit."

"Zack, let's get real. Jack has came to the point where he cares about me more then you. I'd be the first to say that he probably doesn't even need you anymore, now that he has me." Alex chuckled. "Don't believe me? How about you stay home for one day, and see how he reacts. I bet he won't be depressed all day, like he was with me. Now, let's hurry up and finish this; I have a date to skip class and prepare for. I can't have Lisa waiting on me." He looked at the clock on his phone.

Ok, so he does have a girlfriend. Well, I'm officially pissed.

"You know what? Maybe you're right, and that's exactly why I don't want you around Jack. He's not used to having the feelings he has for you and you know that; that's why you're using them to your advantage against him and me for some odd reason."

"Zacky..." Alex had a smile on his face, but I wasn't in the cheerful mood.

"Don't fucking call me that--you know what? I'm done." I walked to the door to open it, but it was locked.

"What the fuck, Alex?"

I let go of the door, but I was still fed up. I had to take my anger out on something. I locked my eyes on the same dude who put me through all of this in the first place. Igniting all of my anger, I charged for him.


I'm double updating yooo

Pt. 2 over dere

or down dere

however you're reading lmao


stay festively sweg


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