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Fast forward to New Years' Eve, which is around a week and a half later. Also, I apologize in advance for extremely long chapter :)

oh, by the way, sexual content warning that takes up 2/3 of this chapter basically.


Jack's pov

I woke up, beside an adorable sleeping Zack. It's unusual for him to sleep this late. Well, it's probably not even that late, but I rarely wake up before him which means I'm hyperactive today, or he's not hyperactive today. Weird.

I looked at his cute sleeping state, and remembered a couple of weeks ago when Zack woke me up by kissing me, which led to a make out session, then just him kissing me everywhere on my face while calling me adorable. I don't know why that morning never leaves my mind. He just made me feel so special then. I've never had so many butterflies erupt in me in such a short time.

While looking at his sleeping state, a thought popped into my head. I know I'm not being too original with this, but it's the best I could think of at the moment. Zack was sleeping on his stomach, like he usually does. I chuckled to myself, and slowly sat on his back where my my legs were on either side of him. He came home pretty late from his parents house last night, and they can be stressful at times. I know he's in need of a massage, so that's exactly what I'm about to do.

I rubbed my hands down his shirtless back because damn, he's got back muscles. I was so mesmerized by his back, that it was turning me on a bit...Anyways, he squirmed under me a little, making me chuckle. I started massaging his shoulders; they looked a little tense. I knew he hardly slept last night because I didn't even hear him snore. Poor baby.

He turned his head to the other side, letting me know he was up. I smiled to myself. He didn't say anything which let me know to keep going. I went lower on his back and started kneading out random places.

"Mm. Right there." He mumbled while I was working on his lower back. His morning voice was always so attractive; I was getting turned on a bit more.

I slowed down and eventually stopped. I rested my hands on his hips and leaned forward to where my chest was pressed up against his back, and laid there.

"Morning handsome." I said while repeatedly kissing the back of his neck. Hopefully he's as turned on as I am right now.

"Morning to you too, cutie." He said while chuckling. He loved calling me that for some reason. It's a bit annoying, but I manage not to get on him about it. Besides, if anyone else said it then I'd murder them.

"How was last night?" I said, while rising back up and resumed massaging his back. Ever since we moved in here together, his parents, more specifically his dad, has been bitching to him about getting a job. It's been stressful on him because well, no one's hiring around here, especially for a seventeen year old. Meanwhile, My mom also insists on me getting a job so I won't look as lazy compared to Zack, is if that wasn't already obvious. I talked to her yesterday, and she said that she was leaving for work again and she needed to see me before she left, which is what I'm about to get ready to do after, you know, I'm finish fooling around with Zack.

"Stressful. Me and my dad were arguing about me getting a job, like I can control who's hiring or not." He rambled. I could feel him tensing up under me. Poor Zacky. I don't want him to feel stressed at all. He's too attractive for that shit. Plus, it's a bad feeling to be stressed out in general.

"Calm down. Let me relax you." I said while leaning down again to kiss his shoulder. He hummed as a response and calmed himself. I kept massaging his back, and I could tell he was enjoying it.

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