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as you can tell I've given up on decent chapter titles lmao

also warning: jalex fluff lmao


Jack's pov

"Are you sure you feel better now?" Alex asked, checking on my arm bruises again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My back still hurts a bit but I'll cope." I answered. He smiled and sat next to me.

"I still can't believe Zack did this to you." Alex said, rubbing on my back.

I replied with a simple 'yeah' and brushed off the topic. When it first happened, of course I was shocked and scared myself. But it's the morning after now, and I kinda can see his viewpoint. If Zack kissed his once abusive and sadistic ex and I had feelings for him since I started high school, I'd be extremely pissed too. I can see why Zack got angry. He trusted me and I played him, basically.

What a great way to start off the new year.

"So, uh, we never talked about what happened last night." Alex brought up. I was hoping he didn't.

"Right," I replied. I honestly didn't know what to say. Technically, that kiss fucked up my relationship. But I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed it. I don't want Alex to think it's his fault though, because it's not. It's obviously mine. Somethings telling me that Zack wouldn't have been as mad if I didn't kiss back, or if it wasn't even Alex.

"Look, I know that this is all my fault, and I m sorry. I knew what I did was stupid and would fuck up either you and Zack's relationship, or ours. I just kind of forgot about you and Zack and-"

"Alex," I stopped him, "It's cool, I got it. I wouldn't have kissed back if you did it without reason. It's cool, okay? I'll explain everything to Zack eventually and everything will be fine. Got it?" I reassured him. I refuse to let him get anxious over something that's partially my fault.

"Okay, but don't you dare take pity on what Zack did to you, okay?" Alex asked me in a child's voice. Honestly, it made me laugh a bit, knowing he's loosening up and not being serious. Aside from that, I'm already taking loads of pity for this. This is all my fault. I knew not telling Zack would effect me greatly. I know how defensive Zack is. I knew I shouldn't have kissed Alex. I tend to make a lot of stupid decisions, but this has to be the most stupidest one. Trust me, I'm glad Alex and I are close again, but I wish there was a way Zack could've known and not be mad about it, though I know that's impossible. I snap out of my thoughts to answer Alex.

"Fine." I said while smiling, "I'm hungry as fuck. Let's order pizza." I suggested, changing the topic and getting out of bed. Alex insisted I sleep in his bed while he sleeps in a guest bed, which made no sense. He wouldn't take 'no' for an answer so I just went with it, I guess.

"Will do." He said, laughing and went into a separate room to order it.

"Alex, I'm taking some clothes to change in." I tell him. He replies with an 'okay' and continues his conversation. I took whatever clothes I could find and went to take a shower.

I don't know when I'll talk to Zack. It'll have to be eventually, considering school starts back in four days. On top of that, we live with each other, and share a bed. I just can't move in with Alex because Zack hates my guts, but knowing him, he'll be ignoring me until the end of time unless he completely knows what to say. Nonetheless, it will be extremely interesting yet awkward.

As for Alex, I hope he doesn't give me shit if me and Zack get along again. He thinks that I'm pissed at Zack for doing what he did, when in reality, I knew I deserved it. I know if Alex finds out that I'm blaming myself for all of this, he's going to lecture me endlessly. I'm glad that he cares, and I'm a little surprised he's not siding with Zack, considering all of the people that cheated on him, including me in a way.

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