First Day Back

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Zack's pov

I was in biology class, waiting on Mr. Dawson to finish teaching the lesson he was currently on. Of course I was paying attention, but it feels like I've been in here for hours on end. It doesn't help that this is my second to last class of the day, and it's the only class I take with Jack. And to make things worse, my last class of the day involves Alex. Isn't this nice?

I didn't even go to lunch today. I had to turn in all of my work and get more for extra credit, plus I had to see Mr. Dawson to talk about getting tutoring lessons. I appreciate that he's actually helping me with keeping a decent GPA, since he knows about all of the bullshit I've been through. I wonder if Jack told him about what's recently going on yet.

Suddenly it feels like we're in August again, back when school first started. Jack ignoring me, yet talking to Alex. I still don't know why on earth is he always around Alex all of a sudden? There's so many questions I need answers to, but are too scared to ask them.

The bell finally rung, signaling that this class was finally over. I quickly got out of my seat and went to my Algebra class. I don't even know why I was rushing. Even if I'm not in a class with Jack anymore, I'm going to a class with Alex in it. Honestly, I feel kind of bad for him. Ever since he stepped foot in the school, he's been getting looks left and right, from both teachers and students. I mean, when you go to jail for practically murder one week and come straight back to school the next, you won't be friends with just anyone at school. He had this worried and scared look on his face all day, like he was about to cry. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

I walked into Algebra class, and Alex sat in a desk that was pushed near the back corner. Everyone was sitting near the front, not wanting to be around him. Some people were actually scared because they had to sit in the row in front of him. There was only one seat left, which was right beside him.


I dramatically sighed and took my seat. Alex looked at me and smiled. I wasn't going to be an ass to him, as much as I wanted to, so I smiled back. I pulled my books out and the teacher started the lesson. This was going to be a long class.


The last bell of the day sounded like music to my ears. I was ready to get out of there. Not only because I was sitting beside Mr. Criminal himself, I just didn't feel like being here in general.

I left the classroom and went to put my books in my locker. I caught Jack and Alex walking out. They look really happy with each other...happier than I did with him. Probably not, but my pessimistic brain says he does.

I close my locker and make my way out of there. I've thought about how I was going to break the news I had to Jack when we finally talk. It's been almost a week, and I'm getting nervous the longer we're separated from each other. I wonder if he's still pissed at me. I don't even know if I'm pissed at him.

I finally got home and instantly started on homework and extra work. Now that Jack isn't around to distract me, I could probably finish fast enough. As if I jinxed myself, I slowly saw Jack creep into the room. I would be surprised that he even showed up, but I'm more concerned about how on earth did he even get in here.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I locked the door." I told him.

"I'm pretty sure I took my key with me when I left." He mocked, laughing a bit. I wasn't in the mood to laugh, so I grinned. He sat on the bed in front of me, moving my books out of the way. I'm surprised he's being so straightforward with all of this. He must also have everything he's about to say planned out.

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