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Zack's pov (what a surprise)

I slammed the car door shut, almost breaking it. I was so filled up with anger right now. Should I be as angry as I am? Yes. I overreact about shit sometimes, but this time, I have all rights to break someone's neck.

I stormed into the house and slammed the door. I don't think I've ever been this angry and didn't completely know the cause of it. Maybe I drunk something I wasn't supposed to, or maybe I can't believe I witnessed my boyfriend, the love of my life, my fucking roommate kiss that filthy, disgusting, criminal. I swear, I wanted to behead both of them right now. I went into me and Jack's room to somewhat calm down.

I can't believe he fucking did that. There's gotta be some type of explanation behind this. If there is one, then it's most likely extremely fucked up. I hope there is a good reason behind what he did...there has to be. He just can't see Alex at a party and put his hands all over him. Alex wanted to kill him! That makes no sense! He probably knew about Alex being bailed out before that party. But...when I mentioned him to Jack earlier, he got tensed up. How? He wouldn't get tense if he-

That's it. He knew. He knew Alex was there, and he didn't want me to run into him because they had something going on. I seriously wanted to cry right now. It hurts when the person you've been wanting to date for years finally gets with you then breaks your heart. But my anger heavily subsided my sadness right now.

I don't even know if I'm mad at Jack or Alex. I'm mad at Jack for talking to Alex in the first place, especially if he knew Alex was going to be there. I'm also obviously mad that they kissed. I would assume that Alex kissed Jack and Jack had no reaction to it, but I know what I saw. Both of them were heavily involved with that kiss. I'm mad at Alex for attempting to go back with Jack. If they are friends then he should know that Jack is mine. Not his, or anyone else's. All of this was so confusing, it made me even angrier. My anger got even worse when I heard the front door shut, knowing it was Jack. I stood up from the bed, waiting for him to walk in. Or in his case, run in.

"Zack I'm so sor-" He ran in and froze when he saw me. I guess I'm radiating enough anger to scare him, because he just stared at me, not saying anything. Good. He should be scared. I honestly wanted to hurt him. He emotionally hurt me, so I want to physically destroy him. It took everything in me not to leap at him and behead him.

"Get out." I warned him. He looked confused, then sighed.

"Zack, can we just-"

"Get out, before I hurt you." I warned again. He still attempted to talk to me. What's wrong with this kid? If he knew what was good for him, he'd run.

"Zack, if you just let me-"

"I said get out!" I shouted at him. He stepped back and stayed quiet, but still didn't leave. That's it. I had to get my anger out somehow. I grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall. He winced, then looked me straight into my eyes, like he was warning me to chill or something. I almost calmed down because of that simple gesture, but I didn't. There's really not an off switch on me when I'm angry, and he knows that. What I did next was odd, but hey, I have to let this anger out somehow.

I kissed him forcefully, pushing him up against the wall again. He kissed back, almost more eagerly than I did. I probably would've gotten turned on if I didn't remember that these same lips that are on me were on Alex ten minutes ago. That got me mad again, which caused me to bite on his bottom lip. Hard.

Jack probably said something about it, but it was like I couldn't hear him. My mind was completely shut off, blocking all sounds out. Even the ones Jack probably made when I forcefully bit on his neck like I wanted a piece of it.

I pulled him from the wall and threw him on the bed. I saw his shaking his head but did I care? Of course not. If he asked me for permission to kiss Alex I would've shook my head, but he would've did it anyways. The same situation applies here.

I kissed and bit on the other side of his neck, since his hand was over the first side for some reason. I ripped that stupid bow tie off that made him look so attractive. I hated that. I'm supposed to hate him right now, but deep inside, I knew that I still loved him. Yes, I love Jack. Was I going to tell him? Of course not. I'm too angry to even remember how much I care about him.

I ripped his top open, popping most of the buttons off. I saw his small, cute chest and remembered how much I admired him. I always loved every aspect of him, since I first started liking him years ago. That's probably why I'm a bit protective over him. That's also probably why I'm more angry than I should be. Hell, if Jack kissed Tony I'd be less mad, probably not even mad at all. I just hate that he knew Alex was out of jail and at that party. And to make things worse, they've probably done more than kissing behind my back.

"This," I said, pointing to his chest and down, "is mine. Got it?" I angrily asked.


"SHUTUP!" I shouted, holding my fist up since I was about to punch him. That's when I snapped out of my anger state and realize what I'm doing. Was I seriously about to hurt Jack? I looked at him. He had wounds all on his neck, a few cuts on his lips, and probably bruises on his arms and back from me throwing him around and holding him too strongly. He looked scared, more scared than I've ever saw him before...more scared than when Alex almost killed him.

I lowered my fist, and looked Jack in the eyes. I can't believe I did this. What was I thinking? Oh right...I wasn't. I hated myself so much right now. I did the same thing Alex did. I physically and emotionally hurt Jack. He probably doesn't want anything to do with me now. I know he didn't.

He quickly moved from under me and ran out of the room. Oh god. How could I fuck up so easily? I got off of the bed and went to chase after him.

"Jack I'm sor-"

"Leave me alone!" He yelled before running through the front door and slamming it. Where was he going? Probably to Alex's house. I wouldn't blame him. I still can't believe I let my anger get to me like that. I closed the door and went back into me and Jack's room. When I eventually got dressed for bed and laid down, all of the nervousness was guilt was flossing towards me. What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if I really fucked up this time? I'd never forgive myself. Ever.


Excuse my sadistic mind oml

also I'm aware that this chapter is poorly written okay don't mention it

four more chapters mateys

also the next chapter will be up tomorrow since I already wrote it yikes

stay sweg


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