Meetup, pt 1

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The only thing that has been going through my mind ever since I got that note was "What the actual fuck?!".  And I legit mean that.

After all this time with him ignoring me, he finally had to guts to step up and realize that whatever the hell we're going through is pointless, and that we really need to try and talk to each other without attempting to rip the others' head off. I'm a bit proud of him.

All of my thoughts came to a halt when I got to Jack's porch step.

Am I nervous? You probably are, Zack. I was thinking of strategy plans on how we could actually comprise this ti-

"Hi Zack!" Alex swung the door open, without a shirt on. He's not as lanky as Jack, but he's still a little flabby compared to me, honestly. But my main thought was 'Why the fuck is he in Jack's house shirtless? What is he even doing at Jack's house when his parents are away?' Oh gosh.

"Uh, sup Alex. Jack's in there, right? He told me to come see him after school." I held tightly onto the paper that was in my hand.

"Oh yeah, he's here." Alex smiled at me, then turned his head back into the house. "Babe, Zack's at the door."

I raised my eyebrows at the fact that Alex just called Jack 'babe'. Sometimes I forget that they're actually dating and that's what cute couples do, but it's weird knowing that it's Alex calling him that, and not me. My train of thought stopped when I heard a voice from upstairs.

"Zack? Who's...oh! Zack you weren't supposed to come this ear-WOAH!"

All I heard afterwards was something fumbling down the stairs, until I saw Jack hitting the floor, butt-ass naked. They really did do what I think they did.

Jack looked up at me and gave me a nervous smile. I looked up at Alex, and he also smiled nervously.

"Jack, go put some freaking clothes on, man." I looked at him in disgust. I mean, there was no other way I could look at him. He looks ridiculous right now.

"Uh, I will, you can just sit in the living room until I'm ready. Yeah." Jack scurried back up the stairs, and Alex followed behind him. Young love, I guess.

I walked into the living room, and took a seat. I haven't been in Jack's house in quite a while. Actually, the last time I've been was was over the summer. His mom also got this traveling job around that time, so she's never home anymore. Luckily for Jack, he can be home alone all the time. Apparently he has taken advantage of that.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and assumed it was Jack. Fully clothed now, he came into the living room and sat in the couch with me.

"Sorry about that Zack." Jack apologized from earlier, "I didn't think you would literally come after school."

"Well, you told me to..." I chuckled and Jack echoed me.

"Anyways, I hope you're not mad at me...for w-what just happened, not overall."

"Honestly, I'm over our situation, and I wanted to apologize for being an ass." I held my hand out.

"No, l should apologize for being an ass since school started." He laughed ad grabbed my hand, and we shook on it.

I'm glad that this didn't take long. I don't know, I guess I was in too good of a mood to actually be angry at Jack. I hope we can go back to being the loneliest troublemakers of the school again. Well, Jack's not even lonely anymore.

"On the other hand, about you and Alex..."

"Zack, I know, it's too ea-"

"You do know that no matter what you get into, if it happened in your parents house then they're going to eventually find out?"

Back in me and Jack's early teenage years, we always either threw parties or snuck into some, just to get kicked out later. It didn't matter if we cleaned up our tracks, or anything else possible to do to make sure we didn't get caught; We always got caught by his parents. And nothing really changed since we stopped doing that. There were moments when Jack screwed something up while he was home alone (what's going on currently would be a good example), and his Mom would come home and eventually find out. Overall, Jack's parents will definitely find out about this.

Jack looked down, knowing he fucked up big time. Honestly, I want Jack to get in trouble. I'm still obviously jealous about him and Alex, and now that I've gotten that drama out of the way, I can work on my plan to get rid of Alex.

"You're right." He nodded to himself.

"Honestly Jack, how dumb can you be? When your parents find out it's a guy too--they're gonna loose their shits." I raised my eyebrows and sat back in the chair.

"Okay, so what's the plan? How are we going to make sure that my parents won't find out?"

I laughed at the fact that Jack thought I was going to actually help him, and at the fact that he really thinks he can worm his way out of this one. I would've, but I didn't have anything to do with it, plus it involves Alex, so I'm not doing anything to help him. Alex can, though.

"We? Bro, this is your mistake, you have to fix it."

"B-But we just made up! You're not even gonna help me?" Jack's eyebrows rose in confusion.

"Not my business, not my problem." I Looked up at the stairs, "You might want to tell your little bitch Alex to help you."

"Zack," Jack whined, "Please don't start with the name calling to Alex."

"What? You know I can't stand him. But, that's your man, not mine. I'm out." I grabbed my stuff and left Jack's house, before I got angry enough to hit something--or someone.

"You're such a bitch!" Jack shouted before I left.

"I bet Alex told you the same thing in bed." I opened the door, to Jack's mother parking in the driveway. Jack's face expression reminded me of when someone seen a ghost of someone they killed. It was priceless.

He ran up the stairs, and I laughed walking out of his house.

"Zack! How are you doing sweetie?" Mrs. Barakat got out of the car and gave me a hug.

"Hi, Mrs. Barakat. Do you want me to get your bags?" I was already walking to the back of the car, so I can open the trunk.

"Sure! Thanks so much."

I got the bags, and waited for Mrs. Barakat to open the door. When she did, She saw A shirtless dude making out with a shirtless Jack.

I chuckled to myself, and dropped her bags. "I'll go now, see you guys around." I walked out of the house, and broke into a fit of laughter. I can't believe how desperate and side-tracked Jack can get. It's kind of cute, honestly. I guess that's what you get when you date someone that isn't your best friend.

That last line hit me ngl

This chapter may seem pointless, but it's gonna mean a lot in the next two chapters.

Stay sweg


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