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second to last chapter...imma go cry now

warning: more jalex action bc I love you guys :))


Jack's pov

I finally got to Alex's house and slammed the door. I didn't mean to be rude about it, but I'm not in the best mood considering my boyfriend just dumped me for all the wrong reasons. I wasn't going to even fight about it because if he doesn't want me anymore, then so be it. If he thinks I should date Alex, then so fucking be it.

"Mom, this isn't fair!" I heard Alex shout through the phone in his room. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I was a bit concerned now. Plus, it would be awkward if I walked in while they're arguing.

"Nope. I refuse to do that. Why can't I just stay here?" He asked. Stay here? What was he talking about?

"Okay, I'll calm down. But we have to finish talking about this...yeah, love you too...bye." Alex hung up and threw his phone to a nearby wall. I casually walked in like I didn't just hear him talking to his mom on the phone. He smiled at me.

"So..." Alex told me.

"So what?" I replied. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about Zack. He wants to forget we ever dated, so I'm doing just that.

"Is Zack and Jack a thing again?" He asked with a smile on his face. I wanted to cry then and there simply because Zack and Jack isn't a thing, and probably never will be again.

"Um...he broke up with me." I simply stated and shrugged. Alex's smile quickly faded and turned into one of sympathy.

"He what?" Alex asked again, probably making sure I said that clear. He knows I care about Zack a lot. Even I'm surprised this happened.

"He thinks me and you have been together this whole time and I was using him's just too complicated to explain right now." I said, starting to panic. I told myself I wouldn't cry over Zack, and here I am about to cry an entire river.

"Jack, Jack, calm down." Alex said while wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I hated this. Zack's probably doing his stupid homework like nothing ever happened, and here I am crying into my ex's arms. This isn't fair at all.

"I-I can't!" I reminded him. I'll probably never get over this as fast as Zack did. I don't know if I hate him, Alex, or myself more right now. Alex parted from me and we both sat on his bed.

"So you're telling me Zack thinks we're together and that made him to break up with you?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, plus he feels extremely bad for hurting me back on New Year's Eve and he thinks that I should date you instead of him because you wouldn't hurt as long as I stayed with you." I rushed out. I wasn't crying anymore, but I was still being extremely hesitant.

"Long story short, he thinks were dating when we're not." Alex clarified.

"Yeah. I mean, I was expecting him to break up with me but not for the wrong reasons." I stated. He wouldn't even let me talk so I could tell him that me and Alex are just friends. I look up at Alex who looked like he was in deep thought. He shook his head, like he was shaking a thought away.

"It'll be okay Jack. You can't cry over him...try to find someone that'll always be there for you, you know?" He suggested. I guess he's right. Zack didn't even bother properly talking it out and just cut to the chase.

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