Needy Much?

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"So...your dad bailed you out?" I asked Alex. We were currently at his house. He told me to meet him here, so we could...'talk'.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting him to, I was actually getting comfortable in there." He chuckled to himself.

"So...what's up with the new look? You dyed your hair all brown and shortened it, you don't wear the crazy shirts's like you matured in seven days." I asked out of curiosity.

It took a while for Alex to respond, "I...I did it for you, Jack."


"I wanted to show you that I'm better than Zack. I...I know I was kind of an ass when we first stated dating, but I'm not that person anymore, you know?" He responded. I was full of confusion right now.

"Alex, as much as I appreciate you doing those for me...I guess, me and Zack are happily together now." I informed him.

"What? You're kidding, right? I went to jail because of you and this is how you replay me?" Alex stood up, raising his voice.

"First off, you went to jail because you tried to kill me. Second, I'm not kidding. Zack and I love each other, more then you ever did." I stood up shortly after he did.

"Oh is that so? You think you're just leaving me?" He asked slowly.


And with that, he fist connected to my face, knocking me out.

I woke up, heavily breathing. I checked my surroundings, and realized that was just a...dream. Gosh, I hate having dreams like that. Especially when they're about Alex. I've been having bad thoughts about him since I saw him at the drive-in last night.

I look over to my right, and notice that Zack wasn't there beside me. I assumed he was in the bathroom, or at least taking a jog. It looked kinda early out there, and he usually does those things in the morning.

I find my phone and check the time. 6:35 AM. He's probably just in the living room. He tends to wake up early...if he's feeling productive enough. I got out of bed, and walked to the living room to see Zack on the couch with a newspaper. I lightly chuckled.

"Hi grandad." I laughed a bit more uncontrollably. He looked up at me and scoffed.

"Why am I a grandad? Because I still read newspapers?" He retorted, laughing himself.

"Still? Zack, teenagers aren't supposed to have newspapers. That's why we have television and smartphones" I reminded him.

"Fine, newspaper gone." He closed it and threw it behind him, "Now give me a hug."

I walked to him and hugged him tight because well, Zack's a good hugger. He gave me a quick kiss, then settled me on his lap.

"So, what are the plans today?" Zack asked productively. I'd hate to rain on his parade, but there's still boxes everywhere.

"Finish unpacking." I reminded him, his smile faded a bit as he looked around the room. Hopefully he see as many cardboard boxes as I did.

"Fine. What about after that?" He starting zoning out of his own conversation and repeatedly kissed my cheek. I didn't mind, I actually enjoyed it.

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