You're under Arrest

347 20 12

Look @ who's finally off of their hiatus lmao

also sorry if this chapter is crap, I had to re-write it bc Wattpad deleted it :-/


Zack's pov

I woke up a little bit earlier than expected. Actually, I woke up earlier than Jack, because when I looked over, my arm was still draped around his cute little waist. I smiled to myself, still not getting over the fact that I finally have Jack where I've wanted him for ages. I never thought that I'd be practically living with him in his apartment, and holding my arm around him just like I'm doing as of now. Speaking of apartments...

I never forgot the idea I had of Jack moving into mine. I mean, I'm barely in there because I don't even keep up my own keys; my parents do that for me. While Jack was at school yesterday, my parents came over and we had a long talk about the past few weeks, and everything that went down. I didn't tell them about...whatever Jack and I had going on; I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that until me and Jack were really official. Anyways, I talked to them about me and Jack moving in there together over winter break next week instead of waiting until I graduate. They said they wouldn't mind paying rent until I get my own job and everything, but Jack has to approve of all this and his mother has to pitch in a few dollars also. I didn't mind that at all, I just hope Jack says yes to all of this.

I felt Jack move around under my arm, facing me. His eyes were still closed, and he looked so adorable and...peaceful when he slept. I smiled at the sight, then the cutest thought popped into my head. I leant over a bit and kissed his cheek, waiting for him to wake up. He moved around a bit and I even heard a little grunt, but he didn't wake up. Jack can be a heavy sleeper sometimes, so I wasn't expecting him to wake up to that. Afterwards, I went straight ahead and directly kissed him. It was a bit eager, but overall passionate and eventually he kissed back, noting me that he was wide awake now. After a minute or two of morning makeouts, I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Good morning, sunshine." I told him while kissing his cheek, smiling while doing so.

"Zacky, you're making me blush." He said and giggled when I kissed his nose. He claims he's the one blushing here when in reality, a shit ton of butterflies were bursting inside of me by the second. I honestly couldn't resist Jack at this point. He genuinely looked happy, something he probably hasn't felt in the past few weeks. His happiness made me happy, which was overall an amazing thing.

"I don't care, you're fucking adorable right now." I thought before I spoke, something I rarely do. When I realized I said it, I honestly didn't care. I was determined that we would be official by this weekend, and I couldn't even wait until then to start having cute episodes like this with Jack. If only he knew how much I really liked him.

"That comment only made my cheeks look like freaking tomatoes." Jack said before giggling some more. By now, he was practically on top of me, straddling me. I held onto his hips so he wouldn't fall over while giggling so much. I kissed his nose again just for the hell of it.

"It's cool, I kind of like tomatoes." I said before kissing his cheek again. I actually loved when he giggled. Just knowing I had that affect on him really did make me smile.

"I know you do, you ketchup freak!" He was uncontrollably giggling now, since I was basically kissing every part of his face. His nose, his cheek, his forehead, even his freaking eyebrows. I couldn't resist; Jack's giggling is so cute.

"You're adorable." I said and finally kissed him on his lips which is something I rarely do, but I didn't care. We've already kissed twice today and we're not even together...yet. He parted from me, with our foreheads still touching.

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