The Aftermath

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It's been two weeks since that fallout Jack and I had.

It's also two weeks I've been sleep deprived.

I didn't even say anything after Jack told me about...yeah. I don't even want to mention it. Ive been so empty, so lifeless ever since that day. Oh, and Jack? He's been having the time of his life. Always hugging up on Alex, kissing him on public, etc. Nonetheless, it's gross.

I just find it amusing how I'm bitching about Jack's boyfriend when I don't even have one of my own, which is why I try not to seem mad about it, like I don't even care! Well, I wish it was that sort of hurts when someone you love doesn't even realize it.

Anyways, the school bell had just rung, which means school is finally over. I actually have to stay at school, since I recently started getting tutor lessons for biology. I don't deserve another failure in my life.

I got my biology books out of my locker, and went onto Mr. Dawson's class.

I knocked on the door that was already open, to see Mr. Dawson on his laptop. "Hello?" I said in the most calming voice I've used all week.

"Zachary? Oh, hi! Please take a seat." He gestured his hand over the the table in the back of his room.


I look around the classroom, and noticed how obsessed this teacher is with music. He has a pair of drumsticks, hung over his teacher's desk, or in this case, his head. He also had random music quotes all over the room, like, "life's like a piano" or "music is all you need". I smiled to myself, knowing that Mr. Dawson and I already have something in common.

"Uh, Mr. Merrick?" He chuckled, "Are you okay?" He waved his hand in my face.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'm fine." I stuttered a bit, due to the coldness of his room.

He fetched me a smile, and we immediately got to work.

And even though my mind was supposed to be on biology, it was still on Jack.


"Bro, watch where you're going!" Some kid said while I was rushing out of history class, going to my locker.

Mr. Dawson and I had a little talk yesterday about Jack. I knew what you're thinking, "Why the fuck is Mr. Dawson worried about Jack for?" Well, apparently, not only is he a biology teacher, he's also Jack's Therapist. Also, apparently, he's been telling Mr. Dawson that I've been "ignoring" him for the past weeks, which pisses me off.

I haven't been ignoring Jack, I just never have time to hang around him, since he's always with Alex. And I'm not about to watch them cuddle and shit all the time. Plus, he's been purposely ignoring me, and I've just been busy.

I threw my things in my locker, and went to the cafeteria to see Jack and Alex talking at my table.

I couldn't see much since they were pretty far, but I saw Alex look in my direction, and Jack did shortly after. Then Alex left the table and went to the other one.

Of course I was curious, and pissed at the same time. After ignoring me for weeks, now he wants to talk to me? Honestly, I'm a bit scared.

I slowly walked to the table and sat next to Jack. He just smiled at me, and creeping me out even worse.

His smile faded when he saw me face expression. "Look, Zack," he shifted in his seat, "I know you hate me, but-"

"It's not that I hate you." I paused, "I'm just--well, maybe I do."

He let another huge sigh out. "Can you let me explain?"

"Go ahead."

He cleared his throat, and took a huge breath. "Zack, I completely understand why you're mad at me. I get it! Well, I think..." He scratched the back of his neck. "You think I'm spending way too much time with Alex, and I'm forgetting who introduced me to him in the first place. Uh, right? Ugh, Zack you know I suck at apologies. Let's just go get some pizza or something after school."

I wasn't as mad at him, but I still was pissed at him, due to the fact that he thinks this is a problem we can just simply drop. Over the last month, he's been a complete dickhead, and expects me to simply forgive him after a simple apology? Think again.

"Zack, I'm trying okay? I can't help how I acted." Jack looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I guess I was thinking out loud again.

"Jack, you can't expect me to forgive you after you abandoned me and treated me like complete shit. Simple as that."

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to do? Wait until you get your shit together and be my friend again?" He raised his voice a little but, surprising me.

"Actually, I do have my shit together. It's you who's acting like a dickhead. Anyways, we'll finish this talk later. I have ketchup to eat." I left the table and found an empty one.

I'm still pissed at Jack. I get that he's trying to apologize, but that doesn't change anything. He didn't even apologize for making me feel like an empty bowl. He also didn't apologize for breaking my heart, but I'm not expecting him to feel sorry about that. I just hope all of this drama is done with eventually.


Finally. This school day is over. It was way too long.

I jogged to my locker, and opened it. A white sheet of paper fell out, and flew to the ground. Hm.

I picked it up and opened it.

Meet me at my apartment after school. We need to talk.


aNOTHER cliffhanger


I'm gonna try and update every two weeks now, because this took forever to write lmao.

I lowkey had writers block, okay?


stay sweg


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