Happy New Years!!

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Jack's pov

As soon as I got to Alex's house, I heard sobs coming from his room. I don't even know what happened and I already feel bad for him. Did his parents do something? Did Lisa do anything? Her and Alex have been arguing a lot recently to the point where they might not even be together anymore. I swear, if that blonde headed rat did anything to Alex, I'll kill her.

Woah, where did all of that come from?

Anyways, I went into his room to find him on the floor, sitting up against his bed. He had his knees up, and he was holding them while rocking back and forth. Oh god.

"Alex?" I spoke, but not too loud. He looked up at me, but didn't move. I sighed and went to sit beside him. He looked like he's been doing this for a few hours. What happened for him to be like this?

"J-Jack," he replied, tears still falling from his eyes. I wiped them away for him. Watching him cry almost made me cry, which scared me a bit. If Zack cried in front of me, I probably wouldn't even shad a tear.

"Alex. Calm down, and tell me what happened." I told him.

"S-she left me, Jack. She doesn't want anything to do with anymore." He sobbed. I knew it. I knew it was Lisa. But I also knew he wouldn't cry this much over her.

"Is that all?" I asked, trying to get more info out of him. He attempted to calm down more by inhaling and exhaling evenly, a method he picked up on when he's overreacting about something. He eventually somewhat calmed down, but was still tearing up.

"My therapist told me that I had an antisocial disorder. I mean, I kinda knew I was sociopathic but I didn't think it was that serious; I just though I was a sociopath by choice. Then right after that, I told my parents about it, who somehow ended up talking Lisa, who freaked out and wanted nothing to do with me anymore." He rambled on. I instantly wanted to find Lisa and slap some sense into her. What the fuck was her problem? People like her probably only wants fuckboys anyways.

"That's seriously why you're crying?" I defensively asked. I didn't want to pull the whole 'suck it up' card, but I had no choice. I don't want Alex sobbing over an asshole like her.

"Yeah?" He asked, worried.

"Look, you can't cry over someone who leaves you for being yourself. They don't deserve your tears. Besides, Lisa missed out on a big opportunity if she left you because of that. Don't start thinking you did anything wrong, because you didn't. As for you disorder, there's nothing wrong with that. Don't start assuming that people won't like you because of it. If someone truly loves being around you, they'd stay by your side even if they did know about it. You'll be fine. Hey, you might find a cutie at the party tonight. Now suck it up and get ready." I patted his back and smiled at him. I was worried I was too harsh on him until I saw a sly smile appear on his face.

"You're right. I don't need Lisa. I'll be fine. Thanks, Jack." We stood up and he engulfed me into a hug. I hugged back because well, Alex gives some very decent hugs. We parted and i smiled at him.

"No problem. Now hurry up and get ready for Tony's party. It starts in 30 minutes." I warned him. He laughed and went to his closet to look for something.

"I'll see you there then." He replied before I left. I felt more optimistic knowing that Alex is okay. I'm also very glad that he moved on from Lisa. He's Alex fucking Gaskarth. He'll find another chick in no time. By the time I got home, Zack was in the kitchen drinking some weird protein shake. I shrugged it off and went to get ready.

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