Mr. Dawson (part 1)

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Jack's pov

"Zack, chill!" I bursted out laughing, as he attacked the sides of my stomach.

"Not until you say it!" He kept tickling me, almost making me fall out of the bed.

"Never!" I shouted, which caused Zack to start laughing. That didn't stop him from continuing to tickle the living shit out of me, though.

"Ok! Ok! Fine, I'll say it, just stop!" I stated, still in a fit of laughter. How the hell did he even know I was ticklish?

"Say it!" He demanded, laughing just as much as I was.

"I love you!" I admitted. Momentarily, the tickling stopped, and he put me on his lap.

"See babe, that's all you had to say." He chuckled before attaching his lips to mine. When we parted, he started randomly poking my cheek, making me giggle.

"Wake up Jacky." He quietly said, making me arch my eyebrows.


"Jacky, wake up." I heard Zack spoke, waking me up from my dream. He was repeatedly poking my cheek. Shit, I was dreaming about Zack again.

"No." I stated, wrapping the covers back around me. I bounced around a bit, trying to figure out where I was at.

"Wait, why am I in my bed again?" I asked. I know I slept on the couch last night, and I know I don't sleepwalk...I think.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I walked around a bit, you know, so I can get accustomed to moving again." He stated, "I went into the living room to see that you fell off of the couch, so I picked you up and put you in you bed." He started pushing back the hair on my head, making me smile a bit. He actually managed to carry me, even with his injury.

"Thanks." I sat up, while sighing afterwards. "Do I have to go?" I asked, not really wanting to go to school without Zack. Even if he did promise that Alex won't be there, I still feel like something bad is going to happen. Plus, I've gotten so close to Zack to the point where I don't think I can stay from him more than thirty minutes.

"Yes, you have to. I need to get all of my work back before I start having C's in classes again." Zack stated, making me laugh.

"Zack, you're such a nerd." I stated, making him laugh.

"Jack, you're such a bitch." He replied, mocking me a bit.

"I know, right?" I laughed and gave him a quick kiss. I got off of the bed, and hopped into the shower.

"Yo, can you at least drive me to school?" I asked, while hopping into the shower.

"Yeah, Let me get dressed." He replied, or at least I think that's what he said. Sounds become really muffled when you're in the shower.

I've put a lot of thought into asking Zack out sooner or later. I know I said that I wouldn't think about that until Alex was out of the picture, but it's almost like we're already together. Well, at least I think we are. All I know is that I definitely have a huge crush on Zack, and I'm not afraid of admitting it.

On the other hand, I still wondered how I was going to figure out this whole Alex situation. According to him, we were still together.

I still can't believe all of the bloody things I've discovered about him. For one, he's killed every person he's ever dated that tried to leave him, and fucking got away with it. What if I'm the next victim? What if my reason of dying young was because of a hormonal teenager who's possessive as hell?

My thoughts faded as I got out of the shower and got dressed. When I was done with that, I went into the living room to see Zack on his phone, waiting. He locked up at me as soon as I went to the front door.

"You ready babe?" He asked, making my heart almost burst out of my body. I've noticed that Zack has started occasionally calling me babe now, which just makes me want to make us official already even more. But I don't know what Zack's reaction would be.

"Yeah, let's go."



this is just a little filler fluff chapter for you guys. I'm still on my hiatus tho. I'll be back sometime in February, I guess.

Also I just wanted to let you memes know that I already have a sequel planned out for this story !! I can't spoil anything so I really can't explain it, but just know that it heavily involves the new character in the next chapter (yes yes, a new character approaches this fucked up story in the next chapter).

stay sweg


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