chapter 9

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I walk up to my door with Griffin, while I laugh at his terrible jokes that he told me.

"That was so cheesy!" I exclaim as I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying.

"Yea so cheesy that it goes on my pizza!" He replies as he laughs at his own joke. I start to unlock the door as I keep talking to him.

"Thank you for dropping me off" I say as I open the door.

"No problem!" He remarks as he smiles at me.

"Since Isaac is at the hospital and ill be bored out my mind, you wanna watch a movie?" I question him as I look towards my living room.

"Sure!" He replies while looking at me, as I gesture him to come inside. As we walk into the house I make my way into the kitchen to make some popcorn. I put the bag inside the microwave, and set the timer.

"So how about a comedy?" I question to him as I look through the movies.

"Sure that's fine" He agrees with me. "Would you happen to have identity thief?" He questions, hope filling his eyes.

"Actually I do have it." I reply smiling as I pull the DVD out. Before I play the movie, I walk into the kitchen to retrieve the popcorn. I pull it out the microwave,and pour it into a bowl. As I walk to the couch I put the bowl down and turn the movie on.
"That was fun. Thank you" Griffin tells me while he stands in my doorway.

"No problem I enjoy having company over" I state as I start to think about the movie. My mind drifts off into its own world, as Griffin stares at me. My thoughts slowly disappear, as i look at him. I notice him slowly leaning in with his eyes closed. Was he going to kiss me?

"What are you doing?!?!" I yell in horror as I look at him.

"Come on Sabrina. Isn't it obvious I like you?" He questions rolling his eyes.

"I'm with Isaac, and I wouldn't cheat on him." I spat at him as I keep my distance from him.

"In case you haven't noticed, he's in a coma. It could be years before you see him again. Why wait on him,when you could have me right now?" He stated looking at me angrily. I became more furious with every word that came out of his mouth.


"Sabrina he wouldn't even know if you cheated on him." Griffin replied, trying to get me to agree with him.

"Get out or I will call the police!" I growl at him as I shut the door. I lock the door and plop on to my couch confused. Why would he act like this to me? I thought he wanted to be my friend. Tears roll down my cheeks as I feel sorrow for Isaac. He's in this accident probably wondering if I'm cheating on him at any given moment! I look out the window to see Griffin get into his car and drive away. A wave of relief fills my body as I get changed, and go to bed.

-the next morning-
I wake up tired and confused, as my phone is ringing obnoxiously loud. I stumble out my bed and answer my phone on the last ring.

"Hello?" I say as my yawn follows after.

"Um yes hi. Is this Sabrina?" An unfamiliar voice asked as I wondered who it is.

"Yes this is her" I reply as i sit down on my bed.

"I was told to call by the doctors, it's about Isaac." She starts as my heart is beating uncontrollably fast.

"Wh-what about him?" I stutter out as panic fills my body.

"Well I'm not permitted to say. Please come to the hospital at 9:30 am and meet me in Isaac's room.Thank you"she says as she hangs up the phone. I sit in shock for a couple moments as I process what she said. What happened to Isaac? I get dressed quickly as I look at my clock. 9:13 am. Just enough time to get to the hospital. I get into my car and drive away, wondering what could possibly be wrong.
What happened next was something I didn't expect...

Hey guys!! I hope you are enjoying my story! We reached 220 views so far which is crazy! Ik it's not that many compared to other people, but it's a huge deal to me. I didn't expect anybody to read my story.

One last thing , the beginning of this chapter got deleted so I had to retype it.meaning it may not be as descriptive. I also want to question where all my readers went. My first chapters I had got 20-30 views, but now I'm not even getting 20. Don't get me wrong, I love every single viewer for reading this. I'm not trying to sound selfish, I just wanna know where all you guys went. So if I don't get that many views from now on, I may stop this book. I understand this may sound greedy and selfish, but my last few chapters barely have any people. Most likely I will continue this book regardless the amount of viewers. Tysm to everyone who decided to read this chapter and I hope you enjoyed :D


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