A New World

18 4 3

This is it guys, the last chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this story, and I thank all of you who kept reading this ;) Also, I kinda lied in the last chapter. this will most likely not be 2,000-3,000 words.

-4 years later-

"I-I can't believe you're actually leaving," Lizzy cries out, embracing me into a hug.

"Yea I'm gonna miss you," Atsuko agrees, wiping tears away from her eyes.

By this point tears are streaming down my face. I can hardly believe that I'm moving away from New york,all the way to California.

"Well I've gotta do what's best for her," I state, motioning downwards to my huge stomach.

"How far along is she?" Atsuko questions, resting her head on Lizzy's shoulder.

"8 months," I reply, thinking about my soon to be child.

"I'm so happy for you," atsuko exclaims, gently wrapping her arms around me.

A strong hand grasps onto mine, gently squeezing my hand.

"Babe it's time to go," Isaac reminds me, all our luggage sitting behind him.

I take a final glance backwards at my best friends, the people who were with me through thick and thin. They really were the best friends you could ask for, god do I love them so much.

"I love you guys," I say before walking away.

It's time to start my new life.


I don't quite understand how I'm here today with Isaac. How I'm somehow married to him and we have a child coming in about a month. This man infuriates me more than anybody I've ever met, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I do not know why I chose to forgive him after his horrid actions, or why I decided to believe that he would change.
Somehow deep down, I knew he meant it. It wasn't some meaningless words that he just threw towards me.

It's been about 2 months since I've heard from lizzy and Atsuko. Each day I go without talking to them drives a knife deeper into my heart. I've tried countless times to call them or text them, but of course they never answer.

Isaac is all I have left and I sure hope it stays that way.

-4 more years into the future-

" Mwommy where daddy?" My 4 year old girl named Darcy asks me, curiosity filling her green eyes.

"He's at work darling, but I promise he'll be home soon," I assure Darcy, pushing her brown silky hair behind her ears.

Darcy simply nods at me before running away to do whatever shenanigan she's up to.

Isaac has been working extra hours lately, every hour he's gone just tears off a piece of my heart. It's extremely hard to not think about him when he's gone, Darcy looks exactly like him. They both obtain the same silky brown hair, the same green eyes that sparkle the same way, the same freckles that spot their cheeks.

They're both just beautiful.

About 3 hours later Isaac stumbles inside, tiredness consuming his face.

"Hey babe, how was work?" I question, walking over in an attempt to hug him. Before I have the chance to do so, he pushes my arms away.

"I'm in a mood, so just leave me alone," he snaps, walking up the stairs to our shared room. This is the one thing I hate about Isaac, he becomes Moody and stubborn at times. When he is in a bad mood there is no way to make him happy, believe me I've tried everything. I stand in silence, Deciding to not chase after him like I usually do.

At about 10:45 pm I decide he's not coming back to apologize, so I make my way over to the couch. One thing I refuse to do is sleep in the same bed as Isaac when he's in a "mood".

~Isaac's pov~

"Sabrina," I sleepily mutter out, reaching next to me to find the lump of her body.

My hand is greeted with emptiness, as I open my eyes to reveal she's not laying next to me.

I tiredly sit up, rubbing my eyes.

My clock reads 4:34 am.

I sigh in sadness, grabbing a blanket and pillow off my bed. I really hope Sabrina isn't too infuriated with me.

(In case you didn't notice my new favorite Word is infuriating ;D)

I walk downstairs, instantly spoting Sabrina passed out on the couch. I slightly sigh in relief, thankful that Sabrina didn't run off with somebody else. I slowly walk over, taking in the beautiful structure of her face.

After staring at her face for a solid two minutes, I cover her up with a blanket and rest a pillow under her head.

"I love you," I quietly whisper to her.

I swear I hear Sabrina mutter something before drifting back off to sleep



It's over guys ;( I'm kinda sad to be honest, because this was interesting to write. I have a huge thanks to these three specific friends of mine. I will not put their real name so lets call them Lizzy,Atsuko, and Isaac (they know who they are)

Lizzy- thank you so much for helping me out with this book. You gave me ideas for the book and had faith in me to finish it.

Atsuko- thank you so much for reading this story when I had no faith in it. you continued to read it and patiently waited for me to update.

Isaac- I have a lot to thank you for actually. You put so much faith in me for finishing this book, and you never lost that faith. You also were a key factor in the idea of this story. I believe you were the one who thought of doing this idea as a role play.

Lizzy, Atsuko and Isaac, I love you all <3

Most importantly, I couldn't of wrote this book if it wasn't for all of you who read this. This book reached 1K which is incredible. I can't thank you all enough, and I hope you stick around to read my other stories.

As always, until next time.

~Kayla <3

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