chapter 17

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Sabrina's pov:

I awake to a dark room as I check my surroundings. I don't really remember what happened,but I do remember blacking out. I turn my head in all directions, trying to figure out where I am. All a sudden a dark figure comes from a corner, a knife in their hand. I turn my head slightly, being confused on who it is.

"Why hello Sabrina" the dark, raspy voice spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Thats for you to find out"

"Why am I here?"

"Well because..i need to end you."

Who needs to end me? What did I do??

Confusion races through my mind, as I realize my life may be over. Tears slid down my cheeks as I sit there in defeat, I can't believe my life is over!! I never imagined my life would end like this! I thought I would of died when that mysterious figure came to kill my family, but I didn't.

Was the killer of my family the figure standing in front of me?

I thought my life would be over as I would grow old with Isaac,watching life travel its ways. I thought I would experience a wedding, and getting children. getting to see our kids grow old, as we watch in awe at what we created. That was the life I was meant to have...

Not this.

"Sabrina?? Are you awake??" I hear a familiar voice start,as I slightly open my eyes.

It was a dream

"Huh? What happened?" I question him as I sit upwards. I have absolutely no idea what happened, and the damage that is done.

"Well... Wewerekindofplayingtagandyouranuopstairsandfell..." He starts saying it extremely fast.

"Woahhh there!! Say it a bit slower there!" I say laughing at how fast he said it.

"Well we were playing t-tag and you ran upstairs into the bedroom." He starts looking nervous.

"Playing tag?that doesn't explain why I'm hurt." I state,saying the obvious.

"I was getting to that part!" He exclaims while laughing.


"And when you were running you fell and hit your head on the side of the table,causing you to bleed a lot" he explains,looking at the ground.

"Huh...that explains why my head physically hurts" I admit to him,sitting down on the bed.
Its kinda funny how I can't remember how I hurt myself.

"Yeah, but you didn't bleed enough to take you to the hospital" he explains while sitting next to me.

" Yea when somebody bleeds and is unconscious the best thing to do is hope their okay" I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Don't you get all sassy with me!" He says with a dramatic accent,snapping his fingers in my face.

"You're so weird" I state as I laugh.

"But you love it!!" He says, as he winks and flips his imaginary long hair.

"Stop being weird though, it's my job!!" I state as I poke his cheek. Soon after I do he pokes mine back,and we keep going back and forth.

"We aren't normal are we?" I question while I shake my head.

"Nah..I probably need help, but who cares about that??" He says while playing with my hair.

"Why do guys find it entertaining to play with hair?" I question out to him.

"Well we would rather do other things with you, but we take what we can get..If you know what I mean" he says while winking. HE DID NOT JUST SAY WHAT I THINK HE DID.

I blush a deep shade of read as I turn away.

"That's so disgusting!!" I yell at him while blushing.

"Then why are your cheeks all red?" He questions while forcing me to face him.

"Because It's hot in here!!" I lie to him, as I braid my hair.

Isaac doesn't respond, but he looks at me. We just stare at each other for a while, you know what young couples do.He eventually leans in to kiss me, and I still feel the sparks. After all this fighting and missing each other,the chemistry wasn't gone.

"Okay?" He states out, trying to quote the fault in our stars. I'm suprised he's actually read the book.

"Yea" I say to him, messing the quote up on purpose.

"Sabrina!! You're supposed to say okay back!!" He whines to me, as I laugh at his silliness.

"Fineeee Okay." I reply to him,as I snuggle into his chest. I drift off to sleep knowing this is were I belong,with no drama in my life.

Or so I thought

Hey guys!! So for my contest nobody got it exactly correct, but I have somebody who is the closest!! Congratulations to Kaylee_marie111902 for being the closest!! I hope everyone enjoyed,and I'll see you next time!!

~Kayla ;)

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