chapter 39

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I tightly shut my eyes. I do not want to witness Isaac's death. A loud gunshot goes off, followed by a thud falling to the ground.

They actually shot him....

I cry silently, not even wanting to open my eyes. He's gone,Isaac Is gone.


It's been a couple of minutes since the shot was heard, I'm terrified to open my eyes. I slowly stand up from my current position, trying to prepare my mind for the tragedy I'm about to see. I gradually open my eyes, adjusting them to the light.

This is not what I expected to see.

The man who previously shot Isaac is now laying on the ground,blood surrounding him.

Who shot him?

My question is instantly answered as I see Atsuko in the doorway,a gun In her hand. To the right of her is Isaac, whom is crying into her shoulder.

"Oh my god," I cry out, remaining tied in my current position. Isaac instantly runs over, ripping the rope off of me.

"H-how..." I start, only for Isaac to cut me off by hugging me.

"Shhh," He says, trying to calm me down from all this trauma.

"I-I'm glad you're o-okay," I cry into his shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere," he reassures me.


"Will I ever see you again?" Isaac questions out to me,hope filling his eyes.

"Listen.." I start, taking a step towards him.

"I'm not ready to start a relationship with you,bu-"

"Who says I still wanna be with you like That?" Isaac interrupts, looking at me with confusion.

"Well I just assumed that you want to get back together," I explain, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I've moved on. We both know I can't give you what you deserve," he replies, taking a step away.

I remain silent, I'm too much of a coward to get away from this awkwardness.

"Well,goodbye Sabrina," Isaac states,walking back into his house. Before I can say anything he slams the door closed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Isaac's pov:

I slide down against the door, mentally slapping myself for how stupid I am. Of course I didn't move on, I mean how could I? Sabrina is just so beautiful, and I'm too selfish to let her slip away. I told her I moved on, because I don't want to accept the truth.

I think I'm in love with her.


When does this all end? When does this torture called "life," end? I suffer in agony everyday, but you never seem to notice. I feel like I'm just the thimble in your life.

Please,help me.

Sabrina's pov:

I lean back against my chair,ignoring the several messages blowing up my phone. Isaac keeps texting me, but I don't think I'm ready to speak with him. My eyes become heavy, as I try to stay awake. It's only 9:00 and I'm already this tired....




Loud knocking at the door interrupts me from my sleep.

Who could be knocking at my door at 12:34 A.M?

I slowly walk over to the door,pondering if I should actually answer it. Before I over think this decision, I open the door.

"I need your help," they say.

Hey guys! So I purposely did not say who was knocking at the door, I'm so evil I know. So I'd like to see what you guys are thinking, so please comment or private message me who you think was knocking at the door. I used the word "they" so you do not know the gender of the person. It is only one person, not multiple people. Until next time ;)

~Kayla <3

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