chapter 31

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Heyyy guys!! Now I know it's Been quite a bit since I updated, and I apologize for that. School was keeping me occupied, with no available time to update. I also slept over a friends house yesterday into today, which is why I didn't update so far this weekend. I hope you guys like this chapter, and I'll try to update by Thursday at the latest ;)

Isaac's pov:
I gradually proceed my way into the kitchen, emptiness inside me. Without Sabrina in my life I haven't been hungry at all, but I suppose food does the body good. I pull open the refrigerator door, and stare at the contents it holds inside it. A half eaten sandwich, a wrap, a couple different condiments, milk, water, and more unknown things that I'm not aware of. I grab the wrap from its current position, and pour myself a glass of water. Several moments later I make my way out of the kitchen, and upstairs into my room.

Why did Sabrina call?

My mind calls out to me, desperately trying to pull Sabrina back into my mind.

You idiot, it's because she misses you!!

My mind argues back to itself.

You need to find her, and make her yours. My mind adds, which seems to be the 1,000th comment its added.

"But how?" I croak out, my voice sounded much more scratchy than I intended it to.

You'll figure it out, you always do

"I'm not so sure this time" I squeak out, realizing how utterly ridiculous it is to be having a debate with myself.

Just do it Isaac, you won't regret it.

For once in my life I listen to my mind, knowing I have to get her back

I have to.

Sabrina's pov:

"Just tell him how you feel" I encourage myself, looking Into the mirror at my reflection.

Tell Isaac that you need him back.

I shake away my previous thought, knowing how desperate that would appear. I take my brush and comb it through my knotted brown hair, and then proceed to part it down the middle.

I've never been a big fan of styling my hair. I guess I found it unnecessary, like it was wasting my time. I pick up my toothbrush, and squeeze a line of toothpaste onto it. I then put my toothbrush under the water, and bring it up to my mouth. Today could be the best day of my life, or the worst. I'll just have to wait and see.

Isaac's pov:

"Girls like musical guys right?" I question out to Dylan, remembering the song I sang to Sabrina a while ago.

"I suppose. I'm not exactly the musical type" Dylan remarks, forcing out a little laugh.

"Last time I sang for Sabrina we were not speaking to each other,and she forgave me" I explain to Dylan. "Hopefully it will play out the same this time"

"You're getting ahead of yourself" Dylan reminds Me, shaking his head. A little pinch of annoyance fills inside me, as I try not to scream at him.

"How so?" I rudely reply, the rudeness not meant to be There.

"You can't just expect what you want from her. she is a human being with feelings, feelings that you keep hurting. I've known Sabrina for quite a while, and I don't want you hurting her. Overall what I'm saying is that it's an unfair assumption to say she will always be just waiting around for you." Dylan explains to Me, his words truly effecting me.

"I-I never m-mean to hurt h-her" I weakly stutter out, not letting myself break down in front of him.

"I know you didn't. If you want her before it's too late, you need to get up and start working for it. It won't be easy,but it is possible to achieve"Dylan encourages me, slightly smiling.

"What would I do without you Dylan?" I question out, being extremely thankful for a friend like him.

"Nobody can live without me" Dylan jokes to Me, laughter escaping my lips.

I know what needs to be done

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