Chapter 38

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Louis POV

I sat there and stared at the new pictures of Andy my phone. That's all I seemed to do was find out about everyone else on my phone because I didn't really feel like actually talking to anyone.

My routine was: I would wake up, get a phone call from my mum. Lie about housing Lottie and tell her that she was "probably fine Mum. She texts you once and a while yeah? I'm sure she is just at a friends house" I would calm her down and wait until she stopped crying long enough for dad to yell at her about something.

I loved dad but he wasn't being much of one lately and I knew it was best if they just split. Anyways...

So I'd talk to mum then make breakfast, try to talk to Lottie which ended in me getting mad because she wouldn't tell me anything. She would cry and tell me she hated me and everyone else. I suggest she just goes home. She cries, she can't. I ask why not and she says she can't tell me.

Then I'd have lunch, then I would go see what Moriah was doing. She would be planning and insist I tell my mum. She was stressed. I was stressed. We both would yell. She would question me. Then I'd go out to eat by myself and sleep on the couch. What a great routine huh?

Niall POV

I ran my fingers through my hair and turned the channel once again. Liam sat beside me with his phone to his ear, talking to Andy about coming to the wedding. I wanted him here but he didn't want to face Sami. He was such a coward and that's what Liam was telling him.

"why on earth did you cut your hair? Andy, you loved your hair. Although I love long hair on girls, you could pull it off. I already miss it." I laughed at how emotional Liam was getting about Andy's hair. He hung up and we sat for a minute before Sarah came in after her nap. She wasn't feeling well and insisted I stay out here. She came and snuggled in beside me. I pushed the hair off her face and she smiled weakly.

"I love your hair. That sounds weird but I do" my mind was still on the topic of hair. She rolled her eyes at me and I kissed her forehead. "thanks Nialler." I kissed her and didn't care that she didn't feel well then Liam spoke up, probably just to get us to stop. "I can't wait till Gillian's hair is long and I can just play with it." Sarah laughed a bit and I looked at her confused. "you guys are so weird."

Gillian walked in with her jacket around her and her hood up. Well, it was Liam's old green jack wills hoodie. I remembered back to when all we wore was jack wills now Lou dressed us in weird clothes from like Paris or something. It was warmer outside though. Well that's what it said. We hadnt really gone out at all. Just lazed around, Liam trying to teach me how to use Instagram.

"is it that cold outside?" Liam questioned as he stood up to kiss her. He did and as they kissed, both with eyes closed, she lifted off her hood to reveal very different hair. Sarah squinted her eyes and then just smiled. He hair kind if reminded me of mine. Well, the colour mine used to be. And it was styled a little more like Louis' which made me laugh a little. Liam pulled back and she kept her eyes closed. No doubt preparing herself for his reaction.

He stood there and looked at her confused. He had just finished talking about how he liked long hair and then it clicked. She hadn't told him. Then he kissed her cheek. "it's different..." he said a little unsure. After two years with the girls I knew that was something you never said. Either you like it or you don't, don't leave them confused. She sighed and opened her eyes, she smiled slightly and then looked down.

"if you hate it. Just tell me." She sounded a little upset. Which is understandable. "it's just something to get used to." he smiled and then kissed her again. I looked around the girls flat as to try and not look at the couple snogging. Sarah was still looking at Gillian's hair and I elbowed her. "do you like it?" I whispered and she smiled at me. "It looks like a Nouis love child's hair." She giggled and I couldn't help but laugh to.

"we're going to go back to ours Niall. Talk to you later." the older couple faced us and they were both a little red, I didn't want to know that they had said to each other. He smacked her bum on the way out and she jumped a bit. "gross!" Sarah yelled and I just shook my head.

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