Chapter 51

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Omniscient POV

Niall took a deep breath and stared at the ground as he walked down the Isle. He decided to look up but not at anyone specific, he looked at the size of the church and all the decor. Each pew's seats were covered with light pastel coloured cushions.

There were white cloth bows at the end of each row. Huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling of the church, the balcony was filled with people just as much as the bottom. White carpet was lining the Isle that his bride would walk down. The sun shone through the stained glass windows and casted light colours on the carpet and nearly white wood. Everyone was dressed in nice clothes. Matching colours to one of the five of the wedding.

He took his place next to the man in the black suit and the Bible in his hands. And he waited.

Moriah and Louis walked in her yellow dress and his yellow tie , arm in arm while Moriah held white flowers with one lavender daisy within the bouquet. They were smiling and Louis looked around at all their friends and family and even some people they didn't know. It was being filmed from the balcony, facing the alter where the two would be sealed. Moriah went to left and Louis went to the right behind Niall.

Sofie and Harry walked beside eachother, a little teary from their exchange earlier and the fact that their friends were getting married. With a baby blue dress and tie they looked the part of a couple as he took her hand halfway down the Isle. She held her bouquet of white flowers with one light green flower in the middle with her other hand as she missed the feeling of his fingers in between her own.

Sami was next with Greg snuck in beside her. His pink tie matched her dress. They walked beside eachother, Greg smiling at his little brother, her smiling at her flowers a little embarrassed to look up. She saw Sam in the lobby and prayed her plan would work. She had one blue flower in her bouquet as she stood behind Sofie.

Jade and Zayn were second to last with their mint outfits and big smiles. All the while down the Isle they thought of their own wedding, wanting to tell everyone but too excited for the friends to utter a word since they left their homes. Hand in hand she held with her left hand the flowers with one yellow flower in the bunch. They smiled at each other and parted ways.

Gillian and Liam were linked arms with their favourite colour, purple, on their bodies. Smiles were given as they looked down the line. Liam spotted Shelby and ed in the crowd on the first row of the balcony. They wanted to surprise their friends and come to the wedding in secret. Shelby was crying with her head on eds shoulder. The two walking up the Isle parted ways and they stood at the end as everyone else stood up and looked at the back door.

The organ began and Sarah stepped out, her arm linked with her father's. He had told her how amazed he was at how beautiful she was but she felt so nervous she could only nod at him. "ready jean?" he whispered and she nodded as she swallowed the lump in her throat and they rounded the corner. She smiled at Sam who sat on the bench in the foyer but didn't ask why as she was met with hundreds of eyes. She felt dizzy hut looked at Niall. He looked at her and smiled the biggest smile while he tried not to cry.

She was crying and she was happy but she was scared and couldn't tell why. She loved him, he had never done anything to hurt her. Ever. So why did she feel like this? The more she looked at him the better she felt, even if just a little. Niall hugged Sarah's dad at the end and she turned to face him. The doors were closed.

"here we go... " all of the friends thought.




Andy asked the cab driver to speed.

" I'll pay for the ticket. Hurry. I'm going to be late." he urged as the driver went even faster. He was going to this wedding and he wanted to be there, even if he had to Sami. But he was planning on confronting Sam too. He wasn't very happy. He gave the cab driver way too much as he skipped every other step and opened the doors to the lobby. The church was old and huge and he was a little frazzled by the time he snuck in the side door.

He sat and watched with the others as a very grown up looking Sarah walked down to Niall.


Everyone was welcomed to the wedding as the girls all cried and the boys did too. The minister handed Niall the mic to say his own vows and he took it with shaking hands. He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and tried to keep his vision clear of tears.

"well, Sarah. Here we are. I haven't been to that many wedding and I was afraid I wouldn't know what to say but the more I thought about you the easier it got. I remember when we boys first met you girls and I didn't catch your name the first time. Liam gave me your number and I don't remember a time since then we haven't talked. I knew on our first date I loved you. You're the most beautiful girl in the world and even though all your brothers scare me, I promise to stay here no matter how hard it gets. I promise to love you with all I've got. I promise to be a good husband and father someday. I know that I won't ever find anyone as amazing as you. I love you."

She was balling by this point. She thought about those memories and how much they've been through. She couldn't shake the feeling that they had so much more time but she was standing here so it must be the right thing. She was handed the mic and cleared her throat.

"Niall. I love you. And I'm terrible at this. Maybe you should have gone second because I can't top yours but I always will love you. And I'm so thankful that you're in my life." She handed the mic back to minister and held both of Nialls hands. She looked him in the eyes and he knew something was wrong but figured it was his imagination. She was just happy crying.

"Niall James Horan, do you take SarahJean Booth to be your lawful wedding wife? To have and to hold? For better or for worse? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?" he looked at Niall who looked at Sarah who looked at their hands.

"I do."

"SarahJean Booth, do you take Niall James Horan to be your lawful wedding husband? To have and to hold? For better or for worse? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?" She thought about all the questions and she knew she should say yes.

Then she revered the story Gillian told her once about her aunts first marriage. How she felt really uneasy about the whole thing because she was young but she went through with it. They got divorced two months later. She didn't think that her and Niall would ever be apart but she felt SO young. Like they had so many more years to date and to be together. She wanted to travel and to live and she couldn't get married. The thought scare deer. She wasn't ready for it and she pushed that thought way back into her mind until right then. She swallowed hard and knew what she had to do.

"I'm sorry Niall. I can't do this."

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