Homecoming Week

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He doesn't put much thought into her outburst, not with his adventure with Lyla and Jason out to the lake weighing so heavily on his mind. When Lyla insists they end things, he agrees. He sees Rae at school and he feels the anger boil up and he's not sure if it's at her, Lyla, or himself.

And then it's homecoming week and he's out running one morning, trying to keep himself busy so his hands don't reach for a bottle of something or another. He's got his headphones in, so it's sheer instinct when he feels someone running alongside him. He glances over and is surprised to see Rae keeping pace with him, her own headphones in. He reaches over and yanks one out.

"What are you doing?" He demands, still jogging.

"Running?" She suggests sarcastically. Her breathing is calm and steady, not ragged like his.

"Why are you running with me?" He spells out for her, annoyed at her calm attitude and effortless form.

"Hmmm, lets see. Rae running alone, probably gonna get raped." She contemplates. "Rae running with Tim, whoa, and look at how that probability drops!" She says, with fake surprise.

"You wouldn't get attacked in Dillon." He claims.

"Tell that to the Castor kid in the hospital. And didn't your teammate do that?" She points out and he skids to a stop. She jogs a couple feet then stops and spins, realizing he's stopped.

"You know, you talk a lot of shit for a girl who doesn't use her real name and acts like this is the worst place to live." He accuses, pissed. She's watching him, aware that he's actually upset.

"I'm not gonna say sorry." She says quietly. He opens his mouth but she cuts him off. "But I know I come off like a bitch, because I am one. I did not want to come here. My dad dragged my ass here, screaming and kicking, from Minnesota. I've got some pent up anger issues, ok? Maybe you can relate to that." She says, not breaking eye contact. Sighing, he walks to catch up with her and they walk together, catching their breath in the heat.

"I don't have a dad. Mine walked out." He divulges, before he can help himself. She looks up at him, a funny expression on her face.

"I'd rather have a dad that walked out than a dad who drags his kids across the country to escape his grief." She says quietly. Tim looks down at her, wondering what kind of grief she's escaping. Her mouth is a tight line and her eyes are struggling not to tear up. Sensing that she'd only lash out if he keeps pushing, he changes the subject.

"So, are you going to go to the homecoming game?" He asks. She laughs her little humorless laugh.

"Why, you want me to wear your jersey? Paint a little '33' on my cheek? Have a good time with you after like all those rally girls?" She says sarcastically and he flushes red.

"That's not what I meant." He says hotly. She looks up at him, amused that she got such a reaction from him.

"I know. I was teasing, Riggins. Julie invited me. I think she feels like since she's the coach's daughter, it's her job to take in the social outcasts like me." She says softly, biting her lip.

"You, uh, know her from dance, right?" He stutters, rubbing the back of his head. She grins up at him, an actual smile.

"You're not as dumb as you look. How'd you know I danced?" She asks curiously. He chuckles; glad she's not angry.

"Matt, actually. I guess he went to the recital cause he has a thing for coach's daughter." He reveals. She laughs and he's surprised at how pretty it is. How pretty she is when she's relaxed.

"That's a recipe for disaster, trust me." She says, eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, the kid might be a hell of a QB when he wants to be, but he's got nothing with the ladies." He says, grinning himself.

"And what about you, Tim Riggins? Do you got it all with the ladies?" She asks and he opens his mouth, unsure of what's going to come out. She reaches up and closes it. "Don't tell me. I like you better that way." She says, grinning mischievously. Her hand moves to his cheek. "Thanks for the walk, Tim Riggins." With a jolt, he realizes they're in front of her house. "Good luck on your game. See if you can find me in the stands." She says softly, then jogs up the sidewalk and her porch. He stares after her, mouth open, mind a jumble.

He doesn't remember her request until the fourth quarter. Smash is on the sidelines and he has a mountain of work ahead of him. In the brief moments before the offense has to go back on the field, he looks up, scanning the crowd. By some miracle, he spots her, surrounded on all sides by the many men of the town. Julie is next to her, eyeing the scoreboard anxiously. Rae sees his face turned towards the crowd. She grins and raises her hand with the fingers crossed. He grins then sprints out onto the field after his team.

She finds him at Tyra's party, oddly enough. He's sitting on the hood of his truck, watching the party broodingly.

"Shouldn't the new kid be the one on the outskirts of the party, not the star of the game?" She asks, and he can't help the way his eyes travel up her long, tan legs, tiny jean shorts, a crop top just barely teasing her bellybutton, and a necklace with an elephant on it, of all things. However, his gaze lingers longest on the full solo cup in her hand.

"Not feeling the whole party scene." He mutters, looking at the dust. She crawls onto the hood, pulling her knees to her chest.

"You gave up drinking." She comments. He gives her a look. "Observant, remember? I notice the shit I'm not suppose to." She says gloomily.

"Well, yeah. I'm sober." He says, not looking at her.

"So was it for little Ms. perfect head cheerleader? Or for the baby stripper hosting this thing?" She asks and he gives her a sharp look.

"For football." He says flatly.

"Well, it certainly paid off tonight. You owned that field." She compliments, but he just nods. "You know what your problem is Tim Riggins?" She asks thoughtfully. His shoulders go rigid. "You don't have the right kind of girl." He relaxes, looking at her sideways.

"How so?" He asks, actually curious as to where this is going to go.

"Prissy princess Lyla is too good for you." She says, lying back on the hood, looking at the stars. "She wants you to fit into her perfect little plan and when you don't, she can use you and discard you in the blink of an eye. She's ruthless." He shakes his head.

"Don't call her names." He says lowly. Rae continues, either unaware of his anger or she's simply fearless.

"And that Tyra is a slut. You'll just get in a cycle with her. It's the white trash cycle and oh boy is it vicious." She laughs, tossing her cup aside as she finishes it in one large gulp.

"You calling me white trash?" He demands, angry. She sits up and scoots closer to him, to his surprise. Most people back off at his anger.

"No, I'm saying she is. And she'll drag you right into it. What you need is a girl who wants to get the hell out of this place and take you with. One who doesn't demand that you be sober and cut your hair for her. One who doesn't sleep with other guys behind your back. One who can drink just as much as you, but only wants to go home with you at the end of the night. You need loyalty and love." She whispers, an inch from his face. Then she hops down. "But you have the rally girl bimbos, so hey, what do I know?" She asks cheerfully, walking off.

"Hey, where are you going?" He yells after her.

"Julie is talking to Matt. I'm gonna take a shot for every time he looks like a deer in headlights." She yells over her shoulder. He watches her go then reclines on the hood, thinking about what she said.

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