College Talks

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"How was the surprise Mexican vacation?" Carden inquires, without looking up from the TV when they walk in.

"Hot. Cheap booze and some sunburn. Your sister can speak Spanish?" Tim asks quizzically.

"Yeah?" Carden says dismissively, like it's obvious. Rae just walks up to him and kisses his forehead.

"I love you munchkin." She mutters. Carden accepts the hugs for a couple seconds then pushes her off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He says, acting tough. Rae just smiles and puts her hands on her hips.

"Back to homework boys, vacation is over."

"Door!" Carden yells, when there's knocking.

"If you had time to yell about it, why don't you have time to open it?" Rae chides, opening it. "Billy." She says, startled.

"Hey Rae. I have something to show you." Billy says and she raises her eyebrows. He hands her a letter and she skims it. "Is this a letter of interest from Oklahoma?" She demands.

"It is." Billy says and she rereads it, stunned. "I know Tim's opened it, I found it in his bedroom desk drawer. He must have gotten it when the season started. What if there's more?" Billy asks excitedly and Rae puts a hand over her mouth then shakes her head.

"I don't know." She admits.

"Has he said anything to you?" Billy asks and she shakes her head.

"No, not a word. Not a single word... Typical Tim." She mutters and looks up at him. "Do you want me to talk to him about it?" Billy nods.

"Yeah, I think so. Feel him out. We can talk more about it later." He says, nodding. Rae nods.

"And send me any more of the letters he gets, ok? I'll talk to him." She promises. Billy nods and leaves. Tim walks in, slams the door, and throws his football bag on the floor. Rae sees it and rolls her eyes, knowing that this frustrated gesture more than likely means Tim has had another meltdown.

"Should I get Coach Taylor on text alert every time you quit the team so I can get a heads-up?" She calls as he rifles through the fridge in search of a beer, swearing the entire time.

"I didn't quit, I got kicked off, and I don't need this right now. I'm fucking pissed." He says, glaring at her from above the fridge door.

"Hi, fucking pissed, I'm don't give a shit." She says cheerfully, unyielding. "You missed a week of practice and two games, including a game that they lost and probably needed you in. Did you think Coach was going to welcome you back with sunshine and roses? You knew there were going to be consequences when you went to Mexico. Deal with it." She says sternly.

"Rae, I don't need to hear this shit from you!" He yells, slamming the fridge and opening the can.

"Yes you do!" She yells right back. "I'm the only one who cares about you for you, Tim Riggins! I don't care about you getting your head out of your ass because you're my star fullback. I don't care about you because you're my little brother and I have to because you're blood. I care about you because I love you and I want a future with you!" He puts down his beer and picks her up, setting her on the counter. "Do not kiss me. I am still mad at you." She warns him but he ignores her and kisses her until she's gasping.

"I'll fix it." He promises. "But until that, indulge me." He whispers roughly, fingers pulling at her shirt, and she nods.

"I have an idea." She announces as she makes supper.

"What's that baby?" He asks distractedly, flipping through channels on the TV. Rae frowns and stands in front of it.

"There's a new kid on the football team. Santiago." She informs and he gives her a strange look.

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