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"And you can grab Carden after lifting right?" Rae asks over her shoulder, digging in her locker for her folder.

"Yes ma'am. And you'll be done with work at 9?" He asks, reaching over her shoulder and pulling it out for her. She gives him a grateful smile.

"I will." She confirms. He grins.

"Good. My house for tacos when you're done. Ill save you some." He promises. She raises an eyebrow.

"Tim Riggins is cooking me tacos?" She asks skeptically.

"Ok, Billy's making the tacos, but I'll cut the lettuce and tomatoes!" He relents. She grins and kisses his cheek.

"Don't cut your finger like last time." She chides in an amused tone and he rolls his eyes, exasperated.

"That was one time!" He protests. She grins and shakes her head, pulling him towards his classroom.

"Billy, I'm home!" He yells, dropping his bag on the floor with a loud 'thunk'. Carden follows after him, dropping his own bag.

"What? Is that my baby brother? Actually in his house? Where his flesh and blood brother has raised him? Finally done playing house with that little woman of yours?" Billy calls, tone filled with sarcasm. Carden looks up Tim, who flinches. Billy walks out of the bathroom and spots Carden.

"Hi Billy." Carden says, cheerfully waving.

"Shit." Billy says, rubbing his forehead. "You brought the kid home?" He demands of Tim, who shrugs.

"Lifting gets done the same time as his spring practice. I grab him since Rae is at work. Cause she actually has a job." He says flatly. "C'mon Car, we can go play video games until Rae gets home and yells at us to do homework." He says, leading Carden to his room.

"Billy doesn't like me." Carden says thoughtfully, looking up from his homework while Rae eats her leftover taco.

"Why do you say that?" Tim asks. Carden rolls his eyes.

"Because he calls me 'the kid'." He reminds him. "I mean, I'm not sure about Texas, but in Minnesota, that isn't exactly a term of endearment."

"Honestly?" Rae demands, looking at Tim, who shrugs helplessly.

"Oh, and he called you 'Tim's little woman'." Carden informs her, grinning. Rae's jaw drops in indignation.

"That is so condescending!" She rages. "Tim, how come you didn't say anything to him? He can't call me that!"

"Dude, are you trying to get me beat up?" Tim says, throwing his eraser at him. Carden ducks it, laughing. Rae is fuming.

"If he doesn't want us over we don't have to come. Simple as that." She says through gritted teeth. Tim gets up and takes her dirty plate, kissing her head.

"Shut up and help me with chemistry." He says. She smiles slightly. "Little woman." He teases and she gasps, throwing a pencil at him.

"Tim, Carden is gonna be home soon." Rae mummers, kissing him again. Tim pays her no attention, just scratches his nails across her lower back. She moans softly and bites his earlobe.

"He can wait outside." He says gruffly, pulling her onto his lap. She laughs slightly, tangling her fingers in his hair and kissing him again. He's reaching up to unclasp her bra when they hear the voices of a couple boys outside, but getting closer. Rae sits straight up, wide eyed.

"Carden." She hisses then hastily climbs off of his lap and arranges herself back onto the couch, bright red.

"Rae!" He hisses, gesturing to his lap. She realizes what situation he's in and stares at him, mouth round in panic. She throws her legs over his lap, just as the door opens and Carden and his buddies spill in.

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