Rae's Return

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"RAE IS ON HER WAY. RAE IS ON HER WAY. I REPEAT, RAE. IS. ON. HER. WAY." Julie screeches, running through the house.

"Rae?" Gracie asks from her highchair.

"Yes Gracie Belle, Rae. She's your other big sister. Do you remember Rae?" Julie asks, kissing her little sister's head.

"No." Gracie says stoutly.

"Yes you do, quit playing around with me." Julie says, nuzzling her nose with Gracie's.

"No. No. No." Gracie chants.

"No, say Rae. Rae. Rae." Julie tells her and Gracie makes a face. "C'mon, say Rae. She liked you even when I didn't." Julie informs her.

"Jules!" Mrs. Taylor chides.

"Well, it's true." Julie says flatly. "I was not a fan of Gracie when she was a baby and it's a good thing Rae was."

"Well maybe don't tell your baby sister that." Mrs. Taylor says.

"Did I hear that right?" Coach asks, poking his head out of the bathroom. "Is Rae coming back to little Dillon?"

"She is." Julie confirms. "She'll be here in like ten minutes, maybe less. You know how she drives."

"Like a maniac on a mission." He says fondly.

"Is she bringing Carden back with her?" Mrs. Taylor asks and Julie raises an eyebrow.

"Mom, is it possible to have one without the other?" She points out and Mrs. Taylor shrugs.

"Well I didn't know if he has stuff to do in Minnesota. You know what? I'm so proud of her. Finishing school and in three years nonetheless. Got her degree. And Carden, I hear he's doing huge things up there. State hockey?" Mrs. Taylor asks quizzically and Julie shrugs.

"It's hockey. She's always excited, so I just pretend to go with it." Julie says with a laugh.

"Rae?" Gracie pips up curiously and Julie nods.

"Yeah, Rae. I'm so excited to see her Gracie." Julie says, plucking her out of her highchair.

"Does she know that you and Matt are engaged?" Coach asks her pointedly and Julie rolls her eyes.

"Of course, she was only the first person I called. I think I heard her all the way from Minnesota, she shrieked that loud." Julie informs them. "Then she threatened to kick my ass and made me promise to let her pick out her bridesmaid dress and a lot of other things."

"What are your plans for the weekend?" Mrs. Taylor asks.

"Oh you know, go back, tour the old Dillon High. Hit up the Alamo Freeze. Maybe go have a few beers, spend an hour or two at the landing strip." Julie rattles off and Mrs. Taylor narrows her eyes. "I don't know mom!" She protests. "It's Dillon, there's not much to do!"

"Well I just think that since Rae hasn't been back in three years, you might want to show her everything that's changed." She advises and Julie looks at her in disbelief. "What?"

"Mom, it's Dillon. Nothing changes. Matt and I are only back because we need to help you guys pack up for your big move to Philly." She says and Mrs. Taylor looks around at the chaos in the living room.

"Yeah, we gotta pack." She says, running a hand through her hair. "Honey, can you hurry up in there and help me pack?" She calls.

"Well, maybe I'm packing the bathroom!"

There's a knock on the door and all three heads turn. Even Coach sticks his head out the door. Then Julie shoves Gracie towards her mother and sprints for the door, all while hollering,

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