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Friday night rolls around and Julie meets Rae at the game. She still looks sad about her fight with her mother and Rae's heart breaks a little for the girl she's come to see as a little sister.

"C'mon." Rae says, putting her arm around her, guiding her to the stands. Tim looks up and sees Rae, next to Julie. He saw it all last season, but this time it's different. She doesn't have to wear the 33 on her cheek. She has the ring, his ring, around her neck.

The game is long and tough. Rae is surprised but amused to notice that she can tell what mood Tim is in just by the set of his shoulders. And after that final play, she knows nothing good will come of it. The fight between Matt and Smash doesn't do him any good and he walks off the field, avoiding it all. She meets him on the sidelines with a nervous look.

He doesn't say anything, nothing at all. He just stares at her, as he starts taking off his pads. She has a flashback to the hotel in Gatling, his unflinching gaze that made her feel nervous and powerful, all with just a glance. When he finally is done with his gear, he drops it into a heap on the ground.

"Come here." He says, with no room for argument. Slowly, she walks forward to him. When she gets close enough, he grabs her and pulls her close. He spins her around and pushes her against the fence, kissing her long and hard.

"Tim." She says, breathlessly. He doesn't let her continue, insistent in his kisses. She gives up trying to talk and goes with it.

"I love you." He says finally, when he draws back. "I can't and won't say it often because that's just me. But I do and I know you know. But I have to say it." He spills it all out and she smiles, stroking his face.

"I know. You say it all the time, when you refuse to get out of bed with me in the morning. When you grab milk because you know we're out. When you play football with Carden. When you put this ring around my neck and called me your girl. I know you love me, Tim Riggins. And I love you." She says, sincerely.

That night, the doorbell rings again, just after they've gotten home from the party. They exchange looks.

"If that's Julie, we gotta do something." Tim mutters. Rae gives him a smack on the arm and pulls the door open.

"Jason?" She asks in surprise.

"Hey Rae, I'm here for Tim." He states, giving her a smile. Tim brushes past her and stands, talking to him. Rae tries to keep her hands busy with dishes or homework, doing anything, but fails. She winds up striving to overhear anything, with no success. When Tim finally comes back in, she can tell something is up. He sighs heavily and gestures for her to sit on the couch.

"I'm going to Mexico with Jason." He states and she looks at him evenly, trying to not freak out immediately. "He thinks there's a treatment down there to give him back his legs. So I'm taking him." He says and Rae bites her lip, mulling it over. Finally, she reaches up and hugs him.

"My bed sure is gonna be lonely for the next couple nights." She whispers. He smiles and kisses her.

"The second we're back, I'll meet you there." He promises then packs a bag and is gone.

"A week?" Rae demands, over the static filled connection. "Tim Riggins, I am going to kick your ass!"

"In a week you can baby!" He yells. "I love you!" With that, he hangs up. She looks at the phone in disbelief.

"When's your lover coming home?" Carden asks, coming into the kitchen, seeing her angry face.

"He'll be in Mexico for another week." She says, rubbing her temples. Carden looks at her. "Dead serious." She promises. And a week later, she gets another call, in the dead of the night from a panicky Tim.

"He might actually go through with this." Tim confides and she sighs, sitting up, checking the time. 2 a.m.

"Isn't that what you guys went down there for?" She points out, curling back up and shutting her eyes.

"Not like this. This is dangerous Rae. The doctor was talking about injecting him with some shark blood or something." He frets nervously.

"Well, what are you going to do baby?" She asks, trying to get comfortable again and failing.

"I need you to come down here. Help me. Help me talk him out of it." He states and she opens her eyes fully.

"Mexico? You're insane." She declares.

"I swear he's gonna die if he goes through with this, Rae. Please. Tell him about your mom and the miracles you wanted. Please Rae. I need you." He begs. She sits up and draws her knees to her chest, unsure. "I know how personal it is. But I can't lose him." She sighs and pulls her hair up into a ponytail.

"I'm going to kick your ass from Mexico to Canada. And stop in Minnesota extra long so everyone can see. And then I'm going to beat you all the way back to Texas." She threatens, getting up and pulling shorts on.

"So you're coming?" He asks hopefully.

"Give me directions now because I swear if I got lost and kidnapped I'll murder you." She threatens.

"Can't wait to see you baby." He says then hangs up. She sneaks into Carden's room and wakes him up.

"Let me guess. You're going to Mexico." He grumbles, not even waking up fully. "Tim got himself in trouble, you have to go fix it. I can handle myself for a couple days. Just don't die, I still can't make spaghetti." And with that he rolls right back over and goes to sleep.

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