Being Responsible

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"Where's Tim?" Carden asks, handing her three plates to put on the table. Rae sighs and hands him back one.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's not coming for supper." She says quietly and Carden's face falls.

"But it's Thursday. Enchilada Thursday is like his third favorite night of the week." Carden protests.

"And he's not coming, can we drop it please?" Rae requests crankily and Carden closes his mouth and grabs two cups.

"What's wrong?" Julie asks, looping her arm with Rae's the next day on their way to class.

"Tim missed enchilada Thursday." She reveals.

"Is that code for we broke up?" Julie asks, mystified and Rae chuckles, shaking her head.

"That is not. It's just weird of him. He's been spending more time with Billy and Jason and I think that's great and I'm so happy and it's nice to have more time for me but..." She trails off and Julie rubs her arm.

"I know." She says softly.

"Rae!" Mrs. Taylor calls, walking down the hall. "Hey Jules. Rae, can I talk to you?" She requests.

"Of course." Rae says slowly, waving goodbye to Julie and following Mrs. Taylor to her office.

"Rae, what's this?" Mrs. Taylor asks, handing her a note with something scribbled on it. Rae squints, trying to deceiver it.

"Possibly Russian, maybe Czech? No wait. Korean." She says confidently. Mrs. Taylor narrows her eyes. "I'm sorry," Rae says, laughing. "But I can't read that."

"It's a time and date from a judge." Mrs. Taylor says flatly and Rae sits up a little straighter. "Seems that you listed me as a character witness on a certain form." Rae bites her lip. "Oh, you remember that now?"

"I'm sorry." Rae says quietly. "But considering who you are and how Dillon works, I thought it was for the best. I should have asked and I am so sorry."

"Rae, that's not what I'm trying to say." Mrs. Taylor says, softening instantly and sitting next to her. "You're petitioning for custody of Carden? Sweetie, you're not even nineteen yet. Have you thought about what it's going to be like, being responsible for a child? It's not easy Rae, no matter how close you and your brother are. Have you thought this through?"

"Mrs. Taylor, no offense, I've had that form in my desk since the moment I turned eighteen." Rae says bluntly. "I've had it in my mind that I will take care of him the moment my mother died. And the only reason I've waited this long is because I finally finished clearing things up with my admissions counselor at UMD. Since I bring college credits in, I can enter as a sophomore and be eligible for off campus housing. I've got a little apartment all lined up and it's only a couple blocks from Duluth East and I've already talked to them about getting Carden enrolled so he'll be at school just as much as me and..." Suddenly Rae's eyes well up and she puts a hand over her mouth, unable to speak.

"Sweetie, what is it?" Mrs. Taylor asks in concern, hugging Rae to her chest. "Why are you crying?"

"When I talked to the lawyer about guardianship of Carden, he told me that my mother had set aside a fund for us that my father can't touch. Nearly $30,000 in it. Said she left it all in my name." She manages to get out between tears. "She was watching out for me, she always was. I am going to be ok, because my mother is still watching over me."

"Oh my, Rae." Mrs. Taylor says, kissing her head.

"And I've got a fulltime job." Rae plunges on, drying her tears. "I'll make enough to afford our apartment and school. It's gonna be a tight couple years but I'm really excited about how supportive the college has been and the amount of money I'm receiving from the government. Guess having a deadbeat, drunk dad pays off sometimes." She gives a watery chuckle.

"Rae, this is what your heart is set on?" Mrs. Taylor asks, clasping her hands and watching her.

"It is." Rae confirms, nodding. "I'm leaving Dillon. I can start my job right after graduation. All that's left is guardianship of Carden so I can sign all his papers and forms."

"Oh Rae, I am so proud of you. Scared for you, but so proud." Mrs. Taylor mummers, hugging her again.

"Does that mean you'll speak on my behalf?" Rae asks quickly and Mrs. Taylor takes a deep breath.

"Yes, sweetie. I'll be there." She agrees hesitantly.

"I can't thank you enough." Rae says, smiling and leaving.

"Hey, what were you doing talking to Mrs. Taylor?" Tim asks, falling into step with her in the hallway.

"Well hello. I don't know if I should be talking to you. Carden certainly isn't, not since you missed enchiladas." She informs him and he flinches.

"I know. I was out talking to Steeter. Baby stuff." He explains, rubbing the back of his head.

"Tim Riggins and baby stuff, two things I never thought I'd see together." She teases, smiling despite herself.

"Hey, I assembled the crib, so watch it." He warns her and she rolls her eyes. "No seriously, what did you have to talk to her about?"

"Uhh..." She hesitates then bites her lip, exhaling her breath through her nose. "The guardianship."

"Of Carden?" He asks, lowering his voice. She nods. "Well, what does she think? That it's a good idea?"

"More or less." Rae says, shrugging. "You know, she did the typical whole 'is this really what you want, it's a lot of work, blah, blah, blah' adult shtick. But she agreed to be at the hearing and on my side."

"Rae, that's great." He congratulates her, kissing her head. "Her support is really gonna help you."

"I know, I know. I can't get my hopes up though. I don't have custody, not yet. We'll find out next week." She says ruefully.

"It'll be fine." Tim says bracingly and she sighs, leaning into his side.

"I hope so."

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