Fighting Lessons

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The next night Tim doesn't stop over and Rae doesn't think anything of it until she hears a truck in the driveway. She looks up, confused. It's not Tim's. Billy knocks on her door, looking terrified. She opens it, wondering why he looks like he's about to have a heart attack.

"Rae, you Tim's girl?" He demands. Rae splutters, unsure of what to say to that, blinking. "Well, you're sure as hell about to be. C'mon, he's in trouble." He grabs her arm and pulls her into the truck. The entire way there, Rae's stomach is in knots. Billy doesn't say much, but she knows that Tim is in a huge amount of trouble if Billy had to come get her for it.

They pull up next to one of the dive bars. Rae automatically scans the parking lot for her father's car, but what she finds is a lot worse. A ring of men has gathered around two men fighting and fear jolts through her when she recognizes Tim's long hair and jacket.

She jumps out of the truck at a full sprint, following Billy. He pulls the man off of Tim while Rae skids to a stop and kneels in front of him, effectively discouraging anyone else from hitting him. She cradles his head, too scared to cry. He blinks up at her, bloody, not recognizing her right away. She wipes his face off, trying to get him to focus on her. He grunts slightly.

"Tim." She whispers, gently helping him to his feet. "What did you do?" She murmurs, helping him into the truck. He says nothing, just leans heavily on her, getting blood on her shirt. She pushes the hair back from his face, trying to clean him up without hurting him further.

"I hate him. I hate my dad." He mutters, blood spitting from his mouth. "I hate him so much Rae."

"I know. I know." She whispers, gently stroking his face, kissing his head. Billy climbs in and shakes his head. Tim looks at him and says nothing. Billy looks at Rae, who is biting her lip.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He mutters. Tim grunts but doesn't say anything else. He just grips onto Rae the whole ride home. They take him to his room at Billy's. She clears a spot for him on his bed, shoving clothes to the side. She cleans him up and looks down at him, unsure of what to do. Gingerly, she climbs into bed next to him and gently presses her body to his.

At school the next Monday, his face is swollen, his lip is cracked, and he looks like he's been through hell. He walks next to Rae stoically, not looking at anyone. Before classes start, she pulls him aside, brushing his hair back, mindful of bruises. He just gives a long sigh, shaking his head.

"They all know. They always do." He says, glancing over his shoulder at the chattering rally girls, all of who are staring shamelessly at him.

"That's ok." Rae reminds him. "Like it's ever bothered you before. I know this isn't the first time you've showed up at school with bruises on your face." She says with faint amusement.

"Does it bother you, that everyone looks at me like I'm some kind of bomb that just goes off?" He asks, still not looking at her. She smiles slightly, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her.

"No, cause then at least they're not looking at me." She teases and he smiles finally. "You kick some ass tonight Tim Riggins." She says, playfully. He grabs her and kisses her, for the first time in school.

"Meet me on the field when we do." He instructs and is gone. She gently touches her lips then looks at the rally girls, who have all hushed and are watching her. She grits her teeth and heads to her class, trying her hardest to ignore their not so hushed whispers.

"I didn't have sex with Matt." Julie informs her as Rae carefully applies mascara. She looks over her shoulder.

"I think it goes without saying Jules that I'm happy." Rae says, smiling. "Matt's a great kid and so are you but you are a little baby." Julie makes a face at her and Rae turns over, tossing an arm around her.

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