Star of the game

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Rae watches the people mill about, shrinking back into Tim's side.

"I hate Texas." She mutters, for what may be the millionth time. He's not even offended anymore; he just accepts it as part of her coping mechanism. It's almost cute at this point.

"Washington..." He says quietly. She takes a deep breath.

"Adams, Jefferson, Madison." She says, under her breath.

"Monroe." He says, pulling her into the crowd. They mainly stick to the outskirts, watching and observing. Occasionally, he'll point out a teammate or a parent that warrants notice.

Sometimes his teammates approach, wondering whom Rae is. Tim introduces her as the new girl and his neighbor. Rae is just starting to get comfortable when Tim reaches down and takes her hand. She jumps, looking up him in shock, but he's not looking at her. He's dragging her toward his coach and his wife. Dread twists her stomach.

"Hey Coach." Tim says, sticking out his hand. Coach Taylor shakes it, with a small smile.

"Tim, my wife was just telling me about your oral report and math quiz. Sounds like you're doing just fine son." He says, clapping his back.

"Well, that's uh, why I came over coach. I haven't been doing it alone." He says, shuffling to the side and pulling Rae in front of his coach. "This is Rae, she's my tutor."

"Rae, it's good to see you again. How's your brother?" Mr. Taylor asks warmly, shaking her hand.

"He's alright." Rae says, nodding.

"Is he gonna go out for football anytime soon?" He asks curiously. Rae shakes her head.

"No, I doubt he will. Football isn't really his thing." She says, biting her lip like she does when she's nervous.

"But he's good at it." Tim protests and Rae gives him a surprised look. "He's pretty little, but he's quick. He's got quick feet and soft hands." He says and Mr. Taylor nods thoughtfully.

"Well next time you come over to supper with Julie, bring him with. I'd love to throw the ball around with him. Not very often do we get fresh blood in Dillon." He says, smiling at her.

"I guess I can bring it up to him and see if he wants to." Rae says softly, not making eye contact.

"Keep up the good work Rae. I've seen a lot of improvement in Tim." Mrs. Taylor says, touching her arm. Rae just nods then waves goodbye and yanks Tim away, back to an alley between booths.

"What's wrong?" He asks, noticing in alarm how pale her face is.

"I don't fit in here. I'm the town drunk's daughter. I hate the pitying looks I get." She says, putting her face in her hands.

"This is the south, they pity everybody." Tim reassures her.

"Yeah, fine, but do it behind my back." Rae mutters, shaking her head. "Ok, I'm being dumb." She takes a deep couple breathes then smiles up at him. "Am I good at covering my feelings like a good southern woman yet?" She asks, only a hint of bitterness in her tone. Tim chuckles.

"Yeah, you're doing just fine." He agrees, pulling her back into the crowd. They're still wandering when the announcer comes on, with the new that Buckley won, and to her surprise, Tim picks her up and crushes her to his chest, cheering. She grins and cheers with him.

The next week at school, Rae notices a shift in attitude towards her. The rally girls don't seem to like her, the cheerleaders' snicker, and Tyra is downright murderous. With a sinking feeling, she realizes she's getting noticed. She sighs and closes her eyes, resting her head on her locker. Someone grabs her shoulder and she jumps, startled. Tim gives her a strange look.

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