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"So why are we here today?" The judge asks, peering down over her glasses at them. Rae stands up, trying to stop shaking.

"Your honor, my name is Maisie Rae Brooks and I am applying for full custody and guardianship of my younger brother, Carden Isaac Brooks." She says and she's proud that her voice doesn't betray her nerves.

"Why?" The judge asks shortly and Rae turns around, looking at Tim and the Taylor's, all watching her expectantly.

"Because... Because I do not think my father is a fit parent." She says and the judge looks around.

"Is Mr. Brooks here?" She demands.

"No ma'am. He, uh, couldn't be reached." Rae says quietly. "We haven't seen or heard from him since he left for the oil fields after Christmas. We've received a couple checks since then but not much else."

"And you want to take guardianship of his son why?" She questions and Rae looks up, eyes flashing.

"Because he does not deserve to see the man that my little brother is becoming. He does not deserve to claim him as his child when I am the one who watches him, day in and day out. I do his laundry and help him with his homework. I'm the one who knows that he likes breakfast for dinner after a tough day and I'm the one who wraps the ankle that he rolled last week during football. I'm the one who saves nickels and dimes to help him buy new rollerblades because his shoe size has doubled since we moved here. I am already his parent. I will continue to be his parent. I want this guardianship because that means that if at any time the man who dares call himself a father shows up and tries to take him back, I can laugh in his drunk face and have the pleasure of telling him there's not a chance in hell that will ever happen." She says wrathfully.

"Well." The judge says and Rae closes her eyes. "That's quite the description Ms. Brooks. Have you decided where you're going to college?"

"Not definitively, your honor. Does that impact your decision?" She asks, steadfastly refusing to look at Mrs. Taylor.

"No, it does not, but if I give you guardianship, I want to keep an eye on him. You'll get me that information?" She asks sternly.

"Does that mean I have custody?" Rae asks, breathless.

"It means you have custody. You seem to be a great student and a fine, upstanding young lady. We could use more kids like you. You do a hell of a job with your brother, promise me that?" She demands and Rae nods, tears running unchecked down her face. "Alright good. Here's your paperwork. Get that all filled out and returned please."

"Of course your honor." She agrees then turns around and runs to hug Carden, squeezing him tightly. Tim joins them a moment later, kissing Rae's head and then Carden's.

"You haven't told Tim yet, have you?" Mrs. Taylor asks quietly as she wraps her in a hug. Rae shakes her head then moves to hug Julie.

"Rae, we gotta talk." Tim says as they exit the courthouse. Carden runs down the street and plucks a football from the back of Tim's truck. He tosses it to Tim and Tim tosses it back.

"About what?" Rae asks lightly, smiling as Carden stretches and catches the pass with ease.

"You know I love you." He says, taking a couple steps back to catch Carden's pass. "And you know I love Carden too."

"Is this a marriage proposal?" Rae demands. "Is this because we're so close to the courthouse. Oh no. Oh no Tim Riggins." She protests, hands up. "This is not how we're going to do this."

"Would you stop freaking out?" Tim says, looking at her in amusement. She shuts her mouth. "I meant I want to talk to you about this whole guardianship thing and what it means."

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