Tutoring Tim

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"Rae!" He yells in the hallway. She turns, looking up at him. "I uh... Can you uh... Come with me." He finally spits out. Rae gives him a wary look, but follows without questioning it. He leads her to Mrs. Taylor's office. "Uh, Mrs. Taylor?" He says, knocking on the side of the doorframe.

"Come in Tim." She says. Tim glances back at Rae then pulls her into the small guidance office.

"This is Rae Brooks. She's gonna, uh..." He looks at her unsurely. She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure Mrs. Taylor knows who I am." She informs him. Mrs. Taylor smiles warmly at Rae.

"What can I do for you two?" She asks, looking between them.

"I want her to tutor me." Tim blurts out. Rae turns to look at him and Mrs. Taylor's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Is this because she's a pretty girl that will do your homework and have sex with you?" Mrs. Taylor asks bluntly. Rae bursts into laughter and Tim gapes at both of them, speechless.

"Fat chance in hell." Rae says cheerfully. "Mrs. Taylor, Riggins here lives about two doors down from me. I'm flexible and can work around football because I'm not a cheerleader or rally girl. Which also means I don't constantly strive to please him just because of his jersey number. Plus, I've already passed the classes he's taking with flying colors back in Minnesota, so that makes me the perfect candidate. And I don't want to have sex with him!" She says cheerfully. Tim is shell-shocked, not quite sure what just happened.

"If his grades don't pick up in two weeks with his own school work, I'm stepping in." Mrs. Taylor says and Rae gives her the thumbs up. Then she grabs Tim's chin and twists it so he can't avoid her eyes.

"My house. Don't bother showering from practice. We're studying and doing yard work." She orders then is off. Mrs. Taylor looks at Tim amused.

"Sure you don't want who I had in mind?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. Tim shakes his head.

"I think I'm gonna take my chances with her." He says, walking out of the office. Mrs. Taylor chuckles.

"Lord help that boy."

"Of mice and men?" Rae asks, making a face. "I hated this book."

"Then I don't gotta read it, right?" Tim asks, almost hopeful.

"No. You have to read because I read it last year and was miserable. So I'm dragging you down with me." She orders, tossing him the book. Carden, leaning on his stick, snickers.

"No." Tim says, tossing it back. Rae sets the book down and tosses him a pair of gloves.

"Start pulling." She orders, pointing to the weeds along the fence. "Or I'll go to Mrs. Taylor and tell her you don't wanna learn. And then you don't have to play." She threatens, smiling innocently. Sighing, Tim pulls on the gloves and gets on his knees in the dirt.

Fifteen minutes later, the book hits the back of his head. He picks it up and glares at her. She smiles brightly. He throws it back and she gestures for him to continue pulling. Fifteen minutes later, the book hits him again. He picks it up and glares at her even harder. She's doing math homework, blissfully unaware.

"I'm getting sick of this shit!" He yells. She doesn't even look. "Rae! I'm not reading this damn book!"

"That's fine." She calls. "There's the whole fence and my dad sure as hell isn't going to weed it. Carden, you have until Tim decides to read to keep practicing your slap shot. And start aiming for the corners, not a single goalie north of Minneapolis is going to be blown away by your speedy puck." She orders.

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