Having Sex

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Tim stumbles into the kitchen one night. Rae looks up from her college applications and sighs.

"You were drinking with your dad again, weren't you." She doesn't ask, just states it. He holds up a fresh $100 bill.

"We hustled um at pool." He says, grinning like a dope. "I pretended to be all bad Rae and then we won."

"Congratulations. And I see you got in a fight." She says flatly, seeing a slight bruise on his cheek. He makes a gesture for 'a little'. Sighing, she arranges him on the couch and rubs her eyes. The next morning Carden sticks his head in her room without announcing himself.

"Why's Tim on the couch?" He asks curiously.

"Long story but you have my permission to wake him up and be loud about it." She mutters, not opening her eyes. Carden grins and shuts her door. She hears him messing around it the cupboards. Tim seeks refuge in her room minutes later, hair and eyes wild.

"Your brother is absolutely crazy." He says, holding the door shut as Carden bangs pots together outside.

"When you land on my couch drunk, you get woken up rudely. It's karma." She says, snuggling back into her blankets. Tim jumps on her bed. "Tim!" She protests, trying to fight him off. He just grins, hugging her.

"It's so great to have my dad back, Rae." He says, almost dreamily. "We go out to bars and play pool. I'm actually going out drinking with my dad. It's all I've ever wanted." He rambles on about his dad while Rae listens wordlessly.

She waits until Tim is gone, watching film with the team, to head over to the Riggins house. She hesitates on the stoop then grits her teeth and raises her fist to knock. A blonde opens the door.

"Yeah?" She asks, unimpressed.

"Hi. Is Billy here?" Rae asks, as the woman looks her up and down with a disdainful curl in her lip.

"Billy, some chick's here to see you." She calls, glancing over her shoulder. A moment later Billy appears at the door and upon seeing her pushes it open and joins her on the porch.

"Hey Rae." He says in surprise. "It'll be just a second." He tells the woman, shutting the door. "What's up?"

"I'm uh... I'm here about Tim." She says awkwardly. "He's... You know, drinking again."

"Well, that's right on schedule." Bill mutters, avoiding her eyes.

"Yeah, well, Tim doesn't see anything wrong with it. He's been doing so good lately and I just... Thought maybe he'd listen to you better than he does with me." She says quietly.

"Rae, I don't know if maybe you'd noticed this with Tim, but he doesn't listen to anyone." He tells her and she looks away, biting her lip. "You can't help him." Bill says, somewhat harshly. "Look. Tim chose this situation and our dad. I've done everything I can Rae but he's made his bed and now he's gotta lie in it. He's just gonna have to live with his decision. Alright?" He asks and she shakes her head, turning and striding down the steps with a gnawing feeling in her stomach that something will go wrong.

And it does go wrong, in a spectacular fashion. He storms into her house a couple days later, slamming the door.

"That's rude." She says quietly, watching him pace back and forth, hands on top of his head.

"Coach accused my dad of taking a damn video camera." He yells and Rae sighs, rubbing her temples

"Tim." She tries, but he ignores her and keeps going.

"He's not going over to Smash's mom and asking her if she took it. He's not going to Matt's or anyone else's dad to ask them!" He rants. Carden sticks his head out to raise his eyebrows at Rae then ducks back into his room when she shakes her head quickly.

"Tim, calm down." She says, catching his arm and rubbing it gently. He pulls it away angrily.

"I thought you'd understand." He accuses, walking out the door. Rae watches him go, unsure of what she did wrong.

"Did Tim piss you off?" Julie asks, pushing the door open.

"No, I think I pissed him off, why?" Rae asks gloomily.

"Because he just drove past me and didn't even slow down, even though I'm clearly a damsel in distress." Julie says, sitting on the couch.

"He's in a terrible mood, don't take it personally." Rae says, sighing and curling up next to Julie.

"Have you two had sex?" Julie asks and Rae bolts straight up, stammering and unable to form complete sentences.

"What brought that on?" She demands, once her heart has stopped racing. Julie shrugs nonchalantly.

"I think Matt and I should have sex." Julie informs her and Rae stares at her in pure horror.

"No!" She says finally, when her voice has returned. "No, Jules! You're young! So is Matt! You're just little babies! Oh my god!" She says and Julie rolls her eyes, going to move off the couch.

"I knew you wouldn't understand." She mutters and Rae grabs her hand, pulling her back to the couch.

"Jules, I'm not judging you. I'm the last person who should do that. No, I haven't had sex with Tim and I don't think I want to, at least for a while. If you think you're ready, you are, but Jesus Christ, are you protected?" She demands and Julie exhales. Rae looks at her sternly.

"I'll buy condoms!" She insists and Rae narrows her eyes.

"You can't buy tampons in this town without someone commenting that coach's daughter's got her monthly. Condoms? Forget it." Rae points out and Julie flops over, groaning.

"Well can I borrow some from you?" She asks and Rae frowns, smacking Julie's shoulder.

"What makes you think I have condoms?" She demands and Julie makes a face. "If you're having sex, have sex. But lord if I find out it's unprotected Julie Taylor, your Matthew will not have balls." She threatens.

A couple days later, Tim knocks on her door.

"Carden, go get it, I'm not in the mood." She orders, busy with her math homework. Carden gets up, pulling the door open.

"She's not in the mood." He informs Tim, who is standing in the doorway sheepishly. Carden goes to shut the door, but Tim sticks his foot in.

"Car, I know she's not, but I have to tell her something and it's pretty important." He begs. Rae sighs, getting up and walking over.

"What do you want Tim?" She asks tiredly, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen and folding her arms.

"I kicked my dad out." He states, still outside. "I found the camera and I kicked him out. I shouldn't have come here drunk and I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry, ok?" He says desperately. Rae bites her lip then relents and nods for Carden to move aside and let him in. Tim rushes in and picks her up, hugging her tightly. She rubs his back gently.

"It's ok. I'm sorry. I'm sorry he left. I'm sorry he did that. It's not your fault." She whispers.

The phone rings, interrupting the TV break from homework. Rae and Carden instantly put their fingers on their noses. Tim sighs and gets up, grabbing it off of the table.

"Hello?" He asks then looks confused. "Coach? What? No, no it's Tim. Yeah, no, you have the right number, Rae's right here." He hands the phone to her, confused. "It's Coach."

"Mr. Taylor?" Rae asks, sitting up. "What's wrong? No, she's not here. She's not at Lois's? I'm sorry; I don't know anything about that. No, I'm sure she's fine. She's fine, I promise. Call me when you find her, ok? Ok, goodnight." She hangs up, staring at the phone in disbelief.

"What'd he want?" Carden asks curiously.

"Jules said she was gonna study at Lois's and never made it there." She informs them. Tim sits straight up like he's been bitten.

"Matt was talking about sex the other day." He reveals, wide eyed. Rae covers her mouth, horrified as she remembers Julie and her conversation about sex. Tim slumps into the couch. "If they're hooking up, Coach is going to kick our asses." He groans.

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