Panther Roast

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The phone rings and Rae squirms out of Tim's arms, grabbing it. He groans and pauses the movie.

"What now? It's late." He grumbles, annoyed. She frowns and smacks his arm, answering it with a confused look.

"Hello?" She asks. Julie is on the other line, crying. She sits straight up. "Jules? Jules, what's wrong?" She demands.

"He took it." Julie says thickly. "He took the job in Austin and now I have to move again. I'm leaving Dillon." Rae sinks back into the couch, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Jules..." She says softly.

"I'm sorry Rae. I'm going to go tell Matt. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She says, hanging up. Rae gently puts down the phone.

"Coach Taylor accepted a job at TMU." She tells Tim, stunned. He looks at her, not comprehending what she's saying.

"What?" He demands finally, catching up. "He's just leaving us?" Rae nods, mind too busy to calm him down. He punches a pillow then pulls her into a crushing hug. She runs a hand through his hair, both of them fuming.

"How was practice?" Rae calls, from the backyard, hanging up laundry. When she gets no reply, she leans back, trying to see him in the house. "Tim?" She hears her closet door bang open and she hurries into the house. He's in her room, holding one of her old dresses.

"Wear this. To the Panther Roast. With me." He says haltingly, looking terrified. She leans against the doorframe, smiling.

"Is that a date, Tim Riggins?" She teases.

"Wear the dress and it is." He attempts to tease back, but he still looks slightly queasy. She purses her lips thoughtfully then beams.

"Of course." She agrees, kissing him. He gives a sigh of relief and drops the dress to pick her up and kiss her.

They sit through dinner with some of his teammates. Rae mostly listens to them talk about the team and playing Voodoo at state. Tim's hand rests of her knee, gently drawing circles with his thumb to keep reminding her that he's there. She waves slightly to Julie when she looks her way, but the young girl looks so miserable Rae's heart breaks a little for her. Matt looks just as upset.

Coach Taylor begins the roast and Rae bits her lip when Smash goes up to talk about Tim. She catches his hand and hopes she can hold him back if it hits too close to home. When he makes the Maury joke, Tim doesn't get mad, just gives her a concerned look. After the attention is drawn away to another player, he whispers in her ear.

"You still ok?" He asks worriedly. She nods and smiles at him easily.

"The past doesn't bother me." She whispers and he grins at her, his hand on her cheek.

"Rae." A soft voice says. Rae turns, seeing Lyla. She glances up at Tim, who is busy talking to Smash. After a moment of hesitation, she leaves his side and walks over to Lyla, wary.

"Hey Lyla." She says quietly, folding her arms.

"You look real nice." Lyla says sweetly and Rae tenses up, unsure if this is going to go the way of the rally girls.

"You do too." She says and Lyla gives a halfhearted smile.

"I just... I see you with Tim." She says quietly, looking at him. "And I see how good he is, with you. I haven't seen him this happy since... Before Jason's accident. And I just wanted to say... Thanks." She says.

"Look, I don't know if this is one of those Texas fake nice things-" Rae starts. Lyla opens her mouth but Rae shakes her head, cutting her off. "But thank you. It's nice to hear someone say something like that." She says. Tim ends his conversation with Smash and turns, searching out for Rae. When he spots her with Lyla, his brow furrows and he hurries over.

"Lyla." He says shortly, putting a protective arm around Rae.

"Hey Tim." She says, looking up at him in surprise. "I was just telling Rae here how nice she looks." Tim looks skeptical, but nods. "And that I see how you look at her. You two have a lovely night." She waves, disappearing.

"Did I just befriend Lyla?" Rae asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Who cares, let's go see if the house is still standing from Carden." He says dismissively, guiding her away.

Tim walks in and tosses an envelope onto the table.

"If this is your report card, I don't think my heart can handle the pride." Rae mutters sarcastically, helping Carden with his homework.

"VIP tickets. You and him. 50 yard line." Tim says. Rae looks up at him in astonishment while Carden whoops in glee. "When we kick Voodoo's ass, you gotta be there." He says quietly, while Carden celebrates. "I want you there. I need my girl there. You can't miss the biggest game of the season. Of my life." She covers her face with her hands, grinning like an idiot.

"Tim..." She says softly, giggling.

"No, not done." He informs her, reaching into his bag and pulling out his jersey. She looks at him with wide eyes. "I mean it. Wear it." He requests and she nods, hand over her mouth. He picks her up and swings her around. "My girl." He whispers into her hair.

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