Midnight Talks

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"You're out of your league, Williams." Tim says in the locker room, as Smash goes on about the new girl he met.

"Yeah, and what about that white girl you been riding to school with Riggins? Ain't she new?" Smash points out. Tim shakes his head, listening to Smash boast. When coach catches them commenting about Julie, his stomach fills with dread. Practice won't be fun today.

He sprints up and down the field, every ounce of his body protesting the work. No one is a friend to Matt at the moment. At the end, he walks through the parking lot, pouring sweat. Rae is waiting for him, arms folded.

"Do I get rides home now too?" He asks mockingly, lugging his stuff towards her little car.

"If you ask nicely." She says, fake sweetly, rolling her eyes and opening the back door for him.

"What's up?" He asks, tossing his stuff in the backseat and walking around to the passenger side.

"It's Carden." She reveals, climbing in. Tim is silent, waiting for her to explain. "He's never gone this long without being in a sport and being physical and active before. He's getting cagey and it's driving me crazy. He doesn't like you, but he tolerates you, which is more than anyone else in this town can say. I was wondering if you could, uh..." She hesitates and he's still silent, waiting for her. "Come over. Throw the football with him for a little bit. Just get him outside for five minutes." She begs, it all spilling out in a rush.

"I'm not good with kids." He says uncertainly, thinking of all the times he had been dragged to kid football games, usually way past drunk. That had always been Jason's sector of experience.

"And he's not good with guys. You'll be good for each other. Please." She pleads. After a pause, he nods. Smiling, Rae pulls out of the parking lot. They mostly drive in silence. She pulls into her driveway, just a couple houses away from his own. She pushes the door open without announcing herself.

"What now Mais?" Carden groans, on the couch, watching TV.

"I brought you a surprise." She says, moving aside to reveal Tim. Carden doesn't react, just looks unimpressed. Unsure of what to do, Tim gives him an awkward wave. "Go outside. Throw the ball with him for fifteen minutes and I won't bug you about homework until after supper." She offers. Carden debates it and sighs heavily, getting up.

"And you let me have your scoop of ice cream." He negotiates, narrowing his eyes and watching Tim warily.

"Fine, get fat." She says, indifferently. Carden hesitates for a second then grabs a football and leads Tim outside. Rae curls up in a lawn chair with her nose in a book, only peeking up to watch. For a couple minutes, they just throw in silence. Then Tim clears his throat.

"Uh, your wrist is a little bent when you throw. If you straighten that out, your spiral will be cleaner." He says, demonstrating. Rae peers over the arm of the chair. She isn't even pretending to look at her book anymore.

"Like this?" Carden asks, trying it.

"Yeah. See, cleaner." Tim says, impressed.

"How did you block that big kid from Gatling?" Carden asks curiously. "Back home, coach always said I was too little to be good at any type of blocking." He reveals, making a face. Tim tosses the ball aside to demonstrate, and a little smug smile crosses Rae's face.

For supper, they don't have much; just some chips, sandwiches, and fruit, but Rae makes Tim stay and eat with them. He doesn't comment on the mismatched chairs or the heavily dented table. He just watches Rae and Carden pick on each other, wondering if he and Billy had ever been the same way.

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