Storms and Lions

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"Thanks for letting us stay with you, Mrs. Taylor. If the storm wasn't so bad, we'd be out of your hair." Rae insists, watching the rain pour down.

"Rae, you're fine." She says dismissively then lowers her voice. "Besides, who knew how good Tim Riggins was with babies?" They watch him holding Gracie above him head, making faces at her. She gurgles and reaches for him.

"He makes sure it's a closely guarded secret, I can promise you that." Rae asks, grinning.

"So they have you at tight end, correct?" Mr. Taylor demands of Carden, who nods seriously. They're seated at the kitchen table, intently discussing football, nearly oblivious to the storm raging outside.

"Yes sir." He says earnestly.

"Alright, come here, let's look at your plays." He says and Carden jumps at the chance.

"Sometimes I think he wishes I was a boy." Julie says thoughtfully, watching him point things out to Carden.

"Don't all dads?" Rae points out, amused.

"I don't know. Gracie's pretty cool. I wouldn't mind having a girl." Tim says and Rae looks at him in disbelief. They're all laughing at the idea of Tim with a daughter, when the sirens starting going off.

"Is that for a tornado?" Julie asks lowly.

"Bathroom. Now." Mr. Taylor orders and they all scramble, Tim protectively holding Gracie's head. They crouch in the bathroom. Mrs. Taylor is cradling Gracie while Julie is curled next to her. Mr. Taylor has his arms around them.

On the other wall, Carden is holding tight to Rae, who is huddled under the protective arms of Tim. When the power goes out, Rae reaches out her hand and Julie grabs it, hanging onto it tightly.

"I love you." Tim whispers in her ear. "You too, Car." He says, as the sirens wail and the windows howl.

"You're my big brother Tim." Carden says, trying not to tremble, but his body betrays him.

"I know buddy." Tim says, squeezing them in a hug. They remain in the bathroom long after the sirens stop sounding. Finally, Mr. Taylor stands.

"Tim, come with me, lets go check it out." He orders and Tim kisses Rae and rubs Carden's head, then follows him.

"You guys ok?" Carden asks, scooting over, once the men are gone. "Is Gracie ok? Is she scared?" He asks and Mrs. Taylor laughs shakily.

"Yeah, yeah, I think she's fine, she's too little to know. She sure does see how strong you are though, Carden. I wish she had a strong older brother like you to watch out for her." She says, talking just to fill the silence. Rae slides over and pulls Julie into a tight hug. They rock back and forth, until Tim and Mr. Taylor come back and promise that it's safe.

"Hey, Mr. Taylor?" Rae asks quietly as Tim ponders over the cable box and instructs Carden on what to do. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure Rae, what do you need?" He asks without looking, clicking the remote with a vengeance.

"Tim... Tim's getting some interest from colleges... I mean, it's pretty basic and they're not begging him by any means, but still. And I know Tim's not really college material, but I wanted...Wanted to ask you what I should do. To help him." She stammers and he finally looks up, slightly incredulous.

"Tim Riggins? College?" He says and she nods.

"I know. I know. It's insane. But hear me out. His grades are... Ok? Maybe? But he can play and you know that. What can I do?" She asks and he takes a deep breath, scratching his head.

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