Dirt Fields

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"Jules, what's wrong?" Rae asks at lunch, watching her push her food around her tray listlessly.

"Nothing." Julie mutters, not even looking up. Rae raises an eyebrow.

"I have a younger brother missy, I know what's going on." She says sternly. Julie still doesn't look at her. "Please tell me." She coaxes.

"My parents want to move to Austin. So my dad can coach at TMU." Julie announces, finally looking at her. Rae drops her fork, looking at her.

"Julie..." She says quietly.

"I know Rae. Trust me I don't wanna leave." She says, shaking her head and biting her lip angrily.

"What about Matt?" Rae asks, not wanting to make it about her. Julie shrugs, trying not to cry.

"He doesn't know. I haven't told anyone." She tells her, miserable. Rae hugs her, unsure of what else to do.

"I think I'm in love with my tutor." Tim says, standing on the middle of the field, with Smash, Matt, and Jason. They all stare at him, shocked.

"Tim Riggins doesn't fall in love." Jason says finally, eyes not leaving his face. Tim shrugs helplessly.

"Na, Street, you ain't seen her." Smash says, the first one to recover. "She's got these long ass legs and she's a dancer, just like Matt's girl over here. And she don't take Riggens' shit."

"Ok, so what possessed you to decide you love her?" Jason asks curiously. Tim shakes his head, taking a long drink from his beer.

"If I'm not at school or practice I'm with her. She's the only reason I'm passing so I can keep playing. And she makes me... makes me feel ok with everything and myself. She's not afraid to lay my ass out or tell me that I'm wrong. She just... Makes me work." Tim says, struggling to put it in words.

"Ooh man, you fell deep." Smash says, laughing. Tim takes another swig, while Jason and Matt exchange stunned looks.

"Yeah, I know."

Rae looks up when there's a knock on the door. She opens the door and smiles slightly when she sees Tim. She can smell the beer and smoke on him but that's his smell.

"What are you doing here?" She asks quietly.

"What are you doing here?" He answers, only slightly slurred, and she raises an eyebrow, letting him in.

"I live here, friendly reminder." She says and he shakes his head.

"I meant, why aren't you at the dance?" He asks and she gives a short bark of laughter.

"Yeah, my daddy took a night off at the bar so that he can come over. Put a suit and tie on. I've got a nice expensive dress that he got me, I'm gonna curl my hair real nice, maybe even put on some heels." She says sarcastically and Tim doesn't sass back but pulls her into his chest.

"I'm sorry." He mummers into her hair.

"We both want our dads to be so much than they are, don't we?" She says softly, swaying with Tim. "We want our dads to love us and protect us and be there. And they aren't. And they never will be." She says spitefully, struggling and losing against the tears.

"Hey." He says gently, leaning back. "We protect each other." He says and she gives him a watery smile.

"Are you dancing with me, Tim Riggins?" She teases and he's silent for a long moment then kisses her head.

"You tell anyone, I'll deny it." He swears and she giggles, stretching up on her toes to kiss him.

Rae is walking down the hall, thinking about her history test, when a foot appears out of nowhere and trips her. She stumbles, catching herself before falling completely. She looks around. A couple of rally girls snicker, leaning against their lockers. Rae shakes her head, trying to keep walking. One of them jogs to catch up with her and a couple more follow.

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