Racism in a small town

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They don't talk about that night, but she notices that Tim smiles at her more often, walks her to class, and even holds her hand once in the hallway. But she sees the tension in his shoulders over the race issues on the team. So when he sits down next to her at lunch with three underclassmen trailing him like ducklings, all she can do is raise her eyebrow quizzically.

"Hi." She says slowly, looking at the underclassmen curiously when Tim says nothing and starts eating.

"Where's Julie?" He grunts. Rae sighs and the other dance girls at the table roll their eyes.

"She's sitting with Tyra, because they're best friends now and she practically forgot about us." Lois says spitefully, shaking her head.

"That's no good." Tim mutters, faking interest, shoveling food into his mouth as fast as he can.

"Who are your friends?" Rae asks, elbowing him, as the boys stare open mouthed at her. None of them have food.

"JV players I gotta babysit since Smash and the rest quit." He grumbles and Rae wisely leaves the subject at that. When he's done, he gets up and the other boys are quick to follow suit. He bends down and kisses her head. She jumps slightly. "See ya after practice." He says, walking away. Lois and the rest of the girls stare at her open-mouthed.

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Rae says hastily.

When Tim walks in after practice, the same three underclassmen are still following him.

"Oh no." Rae protests, standing up and waving her hands. "No Tim, you are not going to get any work done!" She says, folding her arms. Tim stares at her balefully then sits and pulls his chemistry book out, ignoring her previous statement. The three boys shuffle awkwardly in the kitchen, obviously uncomfortable with Rae and Carden both glaring at them.

"Uh, usually people offer us lemonade or water." One, with long hair and bad acne, says.

"Well, I'm from Minnesota so I don't give a damn about Texas rules." Rae spits and Tim snickers. "Don't laugh, this isn't funny Tim! You have two tests and this game coming up and now you've got three puppies following you around." She complains. He glances at the boys.

"Yeah, they're kinda like puppies." He agrees. Rae rolls her eyes and hits his shoulder. He refuses to look at her and she sighs, rolling her eyes at him then looking at the three boys.

"Here's a football. Go outside and throw it. Your daddy can join you when he has his elements memorized." She says, tossing them Carden's ball.

"What drill should we run?" One asks Tim, who thinks about it. Rae cuts him off with a cold look.

"If I hear a single word about chop blocks or slide runs I swear I will bury you in SAT practice problems." She threatens Tim. "And you will not see the light of day, let alone a football field for the rest of your life."

"We'll figure it out." Another boy says hastily and they scurry out of the house, Rae glaring at Tim. Carden chuckles but stops cold when Rae shoots him a look and throws his calculator at him.

"Can I have a lemonade?" Tim asks with a smirk and Rae leans over, yanking his hair and making him flinch.

Friday at school, Julie meets her at her locker. Rae glances at her then keeps shoving books in her locker. Julie shuffles around awkwardly.

"Are you still riding with me to the game?" She asks quietly.

"I don't know Jules, maybe Tyra wants to go." Rae says shortly. Julie sighs. "I mean, you two are bonded since you did hard time together." She sasses and Julie flinches at the insult.

"Rae, it wasn't like that!" She protests. Rae closes her locker and looks Julie in the eyes.

"Of course I'm coming with you to the game, I wouldn't miss it for the world. But I'm not going just for Tim. I go because you are my best friend here and basically the only friend I have in this town. Remember that the next time Tyra drags you off to a strip club and you get arrested, ok?" Rae says softly. Julie nods. Rae smiles. "I'll meet you at the bus."

"You're coming to my game tonight right?" Tim asks as they walk to class. Rae looks up and raises an eyebrow.

"Of course."

"You'll be there win or lose right?" He asks lowly and she ducks her head to hide her smile.

"No matter what. Contrary to popular belief, I don't just like you because you're a football player." She comments and he raises his eyebrows, pausing in the doorway of a classroom.

"Na, you just like me cause I'm Texas dumb." He says and she blows him a kiss, giggling.

"Well hey Rae, how are you?" Mrs. Taylor asks when Rae climbs into the car, Tim's sweatshirt on.

"I'm good Mrs. Taylor, how are you?" Rae asks and she smiles at her through the mirror.

"Well I'm glad you're coming with." She comments.

"She means you instead of Tyra." Julie comments and Mrs. Taylor simply slides her sunglasses down her face while Rae struggles to hide her smirk. Mrs. Taylor pulls out of the parking lot and follows the bus.

She and Julie are in the stands, hands clasped, watching the brutal game. Rae knows she doesn't understand football, but from the look on Julie and Mrs. Taylor's faces, she knows it's bad.

"This ain't right, this ain't right." Mrs. Taylor is muttering, watching with wide eyes. "I've never seen a team play so dirty." Rae watches the late tackle on Smash and squeezes Julie's hand.

"Tim... Tim..." She says quietly, watching the 33 on the field. "Don't do anything..." She flinches and closes her eyes when she sees him take off running. The crowd roars and she hears the announcer inform them of the hit and ensuing fight. When she opens her eyes, the entire team is on the field and it is complete chaos. She exchanges looks with Julie, wide eyed.

When the game is called, there is no excited rush of the field, no happy hugs from excited players. Rae fleetingly sees Tim, still in full pads, boarding the bus. She tries to catch his eye but Mrs. Taylor quickly puts an arm around Rae and Julie and ushers both of them quickly to the car, wary of the other team's fans, parents, coaches, and players.

"Well, at least we're still in the playoffs." Julie says, once they're safely in the car and headed home. Mrs. Taylor exhales and laughs.

"There's the little fighter of the night." Rae says sweetly, when Tim gets off the bus. He shakes his head and takes her aside to tell her the story of the bus getting pulled over and the sheriff talking about assault charges. She shakes her head, looking at Smash as he talks to his mom.

"I hate Texas." She repeats spitefully. "It's a big stupid state full of big stupid racist old men."

"I thought it was for me." He says lowly, mostly ignoring her rant, watching Smash as well. She looks up at him, amused.

"Well that's because you tackled that kid at least thirty if not more seconds after the whistle." She reminds him. "I may not know anything about football but I'm pretty sure that's not allowed." He just shakes his head and wraps an arm around her, leading her to their cars.

"Can I stay tonight?" Tim asks quietly, parking in her driveway. Rae draws her knees to her chest and smiles at him.

"Of course. C'mon, I'll tend your wounds, you little fighter." She teases and flinches as they walk inside. She's applying icy hot to his back when the phone rings. She answers, tucking it between her ear and shoulder. "Hello?"

"MATT ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!" Julie screeches and Rae jumps, dropping the phone. She swears and picks it up as Tim snickers. Rae flicks the back of his head.

"Jules, that's great, tell me all about it."

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