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When she climbs into the Taylor's car, Mrs. Taylor takes one look at her concerned face for Julie and sighs.

"Julie told you about TMU." She states. Rae jumps, startled. Julie rolls her eyes and folds her arms.

"Sorry." Rae says guiltily.

"I'm not. She's my best friend, she had a right to know." Julie says shortly. Mrs. Taylor just puts the car in drive and heads for Dallas. The entire way there she and Julie fight about moving to Austin. Rae and Carden sit in the backseat, unsure of what to do but watch as countryside shifts to city. At the hotel, after supper, Tim finds her in the lobby.

"Nervous?" She comments, noticing the way his eyes are darting around the room, never settling on anything for too long.

"Trying not to be." He mutters. Rae smiles and takes his hand.

"Sweetie, this is the biggest thing you've ever done." She says quietly, pulling him to the side and sitting down with him. "It's bigger than anything Billy or your dad has ever done, that's for sure. And you should be so, so proud of yourself right now. Tomorrow, come what may, but you're going to be walking off that field a winner, Tim Riggins." She whispers fiercely.

"What if we lose?" He demands, not looking at her, staring at his hands in worry. She grabs his face.

"You still walk off that field with your head held high because goddamnit, you've done something amazing in your life. You got here. And that is something no one, not even your dad can take away from you." She says confidently. He looks down at her, then smiles slowly and pulls her into a tight hug, kissing her head. When he releases her she smiles back up at him.

"Tomorrow, I want to walk off that field with you right next to me." He says quietly. She grins. "Win or lose, hell or high water."

Julie and Rae stand hand in hand in the huge stadium, just watching as the teams warm up. Mrs. Taylor sees the jersey on Rae's back and smiles slightly, but doesn't comment.

"Last time we do this." Julie says quietly and Rae shakes her head, squeezing her hand tightly.

"No. No, I will drive to Austin every Friday night if I have to and come get you. I don't care what your parents say. For every damn game this team plays. We have done this and are going to keep doing this every single Friday and just because you're moving doesn't make it any different." She vows defiantly. Julie just squeezes her hand back.

At halftime, she sees Tim jog off, shoulders slumped, head down, dejected. She shakes her head. She knows that this win will do something huge for Tim. He needs this; he needs to a part something bigger than himself. For the first time in a long time, she turns her head upwards and does something she hasn't done in years. She prays, to any and every deity, to turn this game around.

And it does.

She is ecstatic the entire half, lightning running through her veins, cheering even though it feels like her voice is going to give out. And even then she doesn't stop. For every hit Tim makes, every carry he has, she knows that he's looking to her. And she can't help the swelling feeling of pride inside her.

"That's my brother! That's my brother!" Carden yells, pointing to Tim. Rae can't stop smiling, watching as Carden grins, actually enjoying himself.

The final play she sees Tim and Matt nod and she grips Julie's arm. The girls hug each other tightly, watching, unable to say anything or take their eyes off of the two boys. And just like that, like it is destiny, Smash's arms outstretch, and the football is in the end zone.

The noise is so loud; Tim almost thinks he's gone deaf. His teammates surround him, faces a mix of shock and excitement. Halfway through the madness, he remembers his promise. He spins, pushing teammates aside. He makes his way through the crowd, searching, searching.

And then he finds her, standing in the crowd, staring at him, wide eyed. He looks at her, helmet in one hand. She gives him a small wave; shock the only emotion on her face. With the other hand, he crosses his fingers and raises it high. She starts laughing, with tears rolling down her face. She raises her fingers too. He gestures for her to come down and does so until she can fight through the crowd and make her way to the railing.

"I did it." He says, staring up at her, not sure what else to say, tears glimmering in his eyes.

"You did it, Tim Riggins." She says proudly, beaming, not caring that tears are streaming down her cheeks.

"C'mere." He says, gently tugging her over the railing and down to him. He holds her close, eyes shut, soaking in the moment, as thousands of people scream. He clutches Rae and she clings to him.

"You know," She says, a pleased smile on her face. "You may have just played so well I started liking football." He leans back, looking at her.

"Yeah?" He asks. She nods, trying and failing not to laugh. He kisses her, passionately.

"Be my girl." He whispers. She smirks and pulls him in for another kiss by way of answering.

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